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Posts posted by Innocent

  1. yes it looks cool, but you didn't include stats for it, so I'll throw my input in for it.

    atp: 700

    ata: 50

    grind: 50

    def: 30

    special: demon

    chain sawd+15 -> unique item to create

    imo not overpowering, but worthy of any hunter's end game equipment

    also, something cheesy for the name.... like "Lava Chain"

    edit: I can try to make a vid for it upon request to see it in action, if that would be any help

    I really like this idea

    • Like 1
  2. well currently the girls get Vivienne a top tier double saber easily droppable with good stats and the Rambling may which a really strong ranged weapon which although can be obtained blank year round as a quest reward is currently dropping with stats on v hard Saint millon , the guys get the harder to drop girasole and combo locked master raven and l&k 38 : ( oh and I forgot the gals can use last swan which is also pretty good but only drops blank through bpd quests

    Gotcha, I guess you are right, but master raven isnt bad! And guys have a gender specific custom psycho weapon. BTW I like your sig pic!

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  3. Considering we can already donate for weapons and stats, I dont see how adding weapons could break a game and the economy. If anything, IMO I think that it would boost the trading economy and make the server more money in return. We dont need to add anything crazy but it would be cool to see some new badass skins!

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  4. To be honest, most new items or weapons on this server are often given plenty of time to test and edit them so that they seem original and not just a gimick like a reskin. It's a lot more meaningful to make new items that fill a new niche previously not achieved by the current roster of items already in the base game. For example, take the concept of a double chainsaw as another twin sword type weapon. There's plenty of other twin swords in the game already, two of the most favored being Sange & Yasha and Jizai for example. Both give a nice amount of ATP and Jizai even has the Hell special, which is a nice touch. Now you have to think that the Twin Chainsaws would be a nice new weapon to include, but you have to think of a way people would want to use the new weapon over one of these two. You can't just go and make it stronger with more ATP because then it becomes overpowered. So you have to give it other stat boosts, or perhaps make it a weapon to use in combination with other items, such as a slot item or certain armor piece. You could also give it a different special not done in the twin sword category before, like Demon so it reduces health down. Then they could be black or dark purple chainsaws to fit the demon theme.

    My point is they have ideas thrown around in this server, but usually only the very plausible or very popular ideas within the community will even make it into the game. I do like the idea you have here because to be honest, in the vanilla PSOBB I very much enjoyed my Chain Sawd, and I hate to see it underused because other swords on this server outperform it.

    Thats exactly what I am saying, if they could put another twin sword in the game without ruining it that would be awesome. Maybe put a berserk special on it with lower atp?

  5. I got this idea from a different server. This was an awesome weapon and was wondering if it could potentially be added into this game as well? Im not talking about adding the damage or game-breaking weapons. Im talking about implementing more custom skinned weapons that look nice.

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