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Everything posted by redria7

  1. Thanks everyone (and for the link to that thread). I was less asking about specific items and more asking about the item types. From what the guides indicate, mags and slot items can only boost to the max limits, but things like barriers, frames, and weapons can boost you over the max?
  2. I was researching the max stats for my HUnewearl and trying to figure out how to best optimize her for myself, and I kept coming across a set upgrades to use to increase her stats to "Max". Materials - Materials are applied directly to the character. Mag - Mags are equipped and can be changed out. Slot Items - Can also be equipped and changed out. My understanding from various guides is that these 3 increase paths can boost my attack, accuracy, defense, evasion. luck, and mental strength to their "maximum" value. However, things like barriers, frames, and weapons also increase my stats in some of those same areas. My question is, which equippable items are applied towards a character's "maximum" values and can only boost up to that limit, and which equippable items have stats that are applied on top of those maximums and can pass the maximums? Thanks in advance.
  3. Hey everyone. I played PSO GC years ago all in offline mode. I knew there was more to online play, but I was satisfied with what I had. Now I want to play with friends and show them the magic that is PSO, so I'm looking forward to exploring what online mode, and Blue Burst, has to offer. I'm also so excited to be back! This game drove my username choice for years. I'm stoked to start playing again!
  4. Hey guys, first time playing PSO online. Is there a way on this server to change your section ID? A friend of mine used to play on another server where that was possible, but we aren't sure if it is the case here. Thanks in advance!
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