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Posts posted by dlahmeyer

  1. oh lol I thought you actually wanted a double saber as in the weapon double saber lol as fryewolf says demo comet is really common here due to rare monster spawns and the 1/2 drop rate on redria mill lillies , I have tons of demo comets in my bank clogging it up let me know if you want one I might have hoave one with hit spare aswell : ) free to a good home

    all good either one will work, and that would be great!! :) only thing that concerns me is I'm only level 49 with a 81 power mag going, I don't know if I would have enough ATP to use one. But I'm also considering donating to get a level 200 power mag

  2. I could try to hunt you a demolition comet, or someone may have one laying around you can have. Those are so common and easy to get that they are basically free, and are still a pretty decent doublesaber.

    Ok sweet that would be awesome, ty :)

  3. Neither your Blade Dance or Inferno Bazooka should have stats like that. The lowest stat you should ever have on a weapon is 15 in any stat (unless it's all 0's from the start). You tekked both of them wrong. You can "roll" the stats of any weapon up to 10 higher and if you tek them wrong they can go down 10 lower. Look at the stats on the SPECIAL WEAPON or any weapon with blue words, let's just say for the sake of example, 10/5/0/25 as the base stat on the untekked weapon. It can either fall in every stat by 10 (0/-5/0/15), fall in every stat by 5 (5/0/0/20), not change at all (10/5/0/25), rise by 5 in all stats (15/10/0/30), or rise by 10 in all stats (20/15/0/35). Just look at the percentage on the weapons before you tek them and when the tekker shows you the new stats, if they aren't 10 higher don't agree to the tek he performed, click no. Then you have to pay anyway but it's only 100 meseta. Just do that until the weapon you're tekking has 10 more in all the stats it has (weapons with all 0's won't change and no 0 on any weapon will go up, only values 5 and up ever change).

    Oh damn you know I completely forgot you can do that, haven't played this game in soo long lol, TY :)

  4. Hello all!

    One of my buddies mentioned how fun it was to play PSO and thought to myself "hey that does sound fun", went to SCHTHACK to fire up my old account that I haven't touched for a few years and found out that it was no more :( But I found this site and bam!!

    Forgot how hard it is to start from scratch but it will be fun! See ya ingame


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