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Posts posted by Starlord

  1. SOV last night boys. Going to try to get 3 more to share them with team bank for the TAers only. Easy drop just pain in the ass mission to go through

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  2. Si ES un auction Porque los items tienen precio al lado? XD ALGO CONFUSO si me preguntas a mi

    El punto de un auction no ES de ofertas?

    Pero no me lo tomes a mal buena suerte con esto y buen suerte comprando el DM tambien

  3. Yes el socko I have that trouble while DFing him with hunewearl as well or sometimes he will drop for 2 seconds with shield up and when shield goes down he will go back up like wtf? Lol

    Ps: if it wasn't for that troll falz moves I would probab have a low 10 or sub 9 ttf time. Got 11:01 so far as my best time with a non max 160ish lvl hunewearl

  4. o hay a flame war goin on in this thread

    anyway the reason im stopping by is to sugesst we add more prizes to quests like maybe another item or 2 to roct or adding prizes in general to max attack s because the only thing for beating MAs is bragging rights(much harder than roct in my opinion and should totaly have a prize at the end even if its just a pd)

    alrighty i said my bit carry on

    Griff gets the people. GRIFF 4 PRESIDENT. You got my vote sir

  5. Hey why not just get CR to combo too? That's an all class weapon right. Seriously man it's cute the idea of you wanting to get IF to be useable by humans. I think IF its right the way it is, I believe class only weapons is what makes this game great. Making you use different classes to try out different weapons. If both humans and cast could use all the same weapons it would get boring real quick. You know how the theory of irrelevance works right? It's called denial, once you've concieved it in your head that you are "right" whatever other people say will be irrelevant to you. We could say killing children is bad but if you have it in your head that it's not no matter what we say won't change your mind. One more note on flame visit, of course it sucks it's like saying panzer faust is good. The converted version of flame visit is burning visit. Which if you check atp stats it's not that far off from IF. maybe you should experiment more with other weapons before you spill excrement from your mouth. I've tested burning visit in other servers and I may say it's pretty great. Have not yet done so here with the evp boost since I've been too lazy to hunt a flame visit and too cheap to waste 50pds on photon booster for it. I might try it out though, you never know it might be pretty good after all. Hope your delusional desires of IF being able to be used by humans get granted I guess. I still think there's advantages to humans and cast that you're not exploring. But hey man to each their own.

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  6. Well when I said Clio was to sort of make fun of you. Ramarls are beats solo mode the only reason they suck in this server is because everything is apeshit buffed. Maybe you should suggest them making a human weapon so ramarls can be up there with cast. If there was no such thing as some classes being superior that others what the hell would be a point of this game? All classes have their strength and weaknesses and that's how the game was design. Don't cry about wether ramarl are too weak or don't do racast damage like you want them to. You don't need DM to play ramarl right. Clearly you've come to rely on dm too much to notice that. The buffed monsters are what makes ramarls look insignificant here when they are really not. 75hit CR missing like crazy on gal even with max ata? Cr is op but then again what I mentioned earlier factors into that as well. Not trying to start anything just stating the facts.

  7. Schthack hack is back or maybe ephinea if you prefer. Or possibly the psu clementine server. There's always new places or a new atmosphere. Or maybe you're done completely with PSO which I wouldn't blame you. Sometimes I think... What would I do if I could get those thousands of hours I put in this game. What could I have accomplished?

    Possibly could have been done with medical school by now, maybe.. Just little stuff I think about.

    Whatever you decide wish you best of luck I guess.

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