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Posts posted by dmoney1969

  1. The maximum HIT in any weapon is 80%

    Hit 10% = 10
    Hit 20% = 15
    Hit 25% = 20
    Hit 30% = 25
    Hit 35% = 30
    Hit 40% = 35
    Hit 45% = 40
    Hit 50% = 45

    Hit 55% = 50

    Hit 60% = 55 and so on

    If you wanted 80% hit on a weapon, Wouldn't it be cheaper to donate 4x at 15 dts 20% each(60 total dts) then lets say 75 dts to reach 80% hit or even 2x @ 35 dts 40% each (70 dts)

    Just trying to figure this out. Thanks

  2. your virus protection probably deleting it.. Make sure you allow it. My norton will flag it as a virus soon as there is a update and I have to restore the files it quarantines. Also Right click and run as admin and make sure you are using the Launcher name file once you get it installed.

  3. if your looking to spend that much i would say go to originpc.com its like alien ware but has more option for customizing and imo is cheaper and will last longer

    Ya if you dont have anyone to help you build a rig and your scared to do it yourself OriginPC is decent but they charge like pcpartspicker.com.

    get an alienware n rejoin back gosh, this server needs more agents! miss u :<

    LOL Alienware. (Dell Brand) If you go with that you will be OVERPAYING for the name and for the parts inside. Look at any alienware build. Look up the parts on lets say newegg.com and do your total on how much you would save building your own.

    Any prebuilt system you see on any site, I would breakdown all the parts inside individually and look them up on new egg and see If you would save money Building it yourself. I have been building rigs for 10+ years kinda know my sh*t. @Michael Verdon If you decide to Build one you can pm me If you need help.

    • Like 1
  4. Build your own desktop. 1500.00 range you can build a system that will last many years. Nvidia releasing new cards soon that will blow anything current out of the water. 1070 and the 1080. I'd wait for those. In the meantime educate yourself on how to build ur own rig. its not that hard. There is also sites like https://pcpartpicker.com that you can choose ur parts and they build it for you. Be alot cheaper tho to build yourself or have a buddy do it for u.

  5. I think Soly can only limit 2 clients. That would be fine imo, if someone want to play in your house there you go or u want to create a game with a different ID and play with another character there you go. You don't need to have 4-6 clients allowed here. I just want the PSo2 system in place. Whether its limiting down to 2 clients or doing something that Saith suggested in decreasing the drop rates and having 4 rares drop. Whatever Larva and admins decide with I'll be happy with.

  6. I don't think y'all understand what it actually means.

    The ephinea dar rates of 100%, 82%, 67%, and 54% have been thrown around a lot in this thread.

    If you decide to solo with multiple accounts, then you get massively increased chances to find the drop.

    1P: 100% base chance of drop

    2P: 157.276% chance of drop

    3P: 187.834% chance of drop

    4P: 199.125% chance of drop

    That system is terrible for encouraging people to play and work together; instead it does the opposite and causes other problems alongside it.

    If you do want to play multi with other people and work together to help everyone get the drop, the group has a significantly larger chance to find items, but then you can have issues where the item drops in the same players instance twice, forcing them to steal the banner. Or if the items don't have a banner, it becomes incredibly easy to deceive the other players, pretending to come along and help them find a specific drop, and then simply keep the items for yourself. If a player wants to hunt a certain drop, but wants to leave their room open for other randoms to join in, if the others joining in aren't specifically helping them find that drop and want the chance to claim that same drop themselves, letting them join will only hurt the player's chances of finding the drop. On top of that, it discourages playing the more difficult quests that require players to work together and would normally be better for hunting. Instead, it encourages soloing with multiple accounts to massively increase your chance of getting a drop; it increases the solo chances by a large margin, as instead of just having the base drop chance but being forced to do an easier to solo, less rewarding run, they simply need to log multiple people and walk them into the drop room to have even more increased chances than before (before would require running your multiple clients individually on those easier to solo, less rewarding runs all at the same time, which requires having gear on all of your chars, keeping all your chars alive and actively attacking and moving between rooms, instead of just having to send all your chars into the same room; i.e. it's a lot easier to walk all 4 clients into the falz warp and have 3 of them stand there doing nothing while dead, as you kill the boss with the 4th client, before reviving them all and reaping the increased rr reward chance, than it is to try to kill 2 falz in 2 different games at the same time).

    It hurts players not trying to work together towards a drop, it causes more issues for players that are trying to work together for a drop, it facilitates deception and ninja-ing and removes encouragement of communication, it discourages playing the difficult but more rewarding quests, and it massively rewards players who solo with mulitple accounts. It does not help players play together without being punished for it (if you aren't specifically working together, it only hurts your individual chances of getting a drop), and the other argument of ninja-ing becomes an actual real possiblity (ninja-ing is a complete non-issue in the current system right now, if anyone is stupid enough to try they never get away with it).

    By every conceivable reason I can think of it's a terrible thing. It hurts people who want to solo, it hurts people that want to multi with others and just worry about themselves without actually working together, it slightly benefits but mostly hurts people who want to multi with others and work together, and it is insanely broken for people who want to solo with mutliple accounts. And all this fuss is because some people are not adult enough to play with others in a multiplayer focused game without whining that it's unfair because working together inherently means making compromises (just as it does in real life).

    If you guys want to have a system that doesn't favor people who solo, people who multi with others, or people who solo with multiple accounts, drops per player (dpp) isn't the thing you should be arguing for. The way to do that is with a multiple drops system(optional/opt-in); the rate of the item is proportionally decreased by the amount of players in the room, but when it does drop, it drops one for everybody i.e. instead of red ring being 1/57 with 1 player in room, it becomes 1/114 with 2 people, 1/171 with 3 people, or 1/228 with 4 people in the room, and when it drops, one of them drops for each person. Then it doesn't matter how you decide to play (solo, multi, solo w/ multiclient), it's always the same chance at item.

    Soly was already talking about limiting the amounts of clients to 2 well see I guess. I saw no difference from a classic room and a Pso2 style drop in terms of rares dropping. Even if it did benefit someone quad logging. what would that do? Flood the economy that we have now where Dark weapons are 600-1000dts? The PS02 system should be put in place and tweaked to however it fits here. Anyways Larva said enough with the Bullshit and he said 'If the drop system get in to place the DAR reduction is totally going to happen, just simple as if we don't; the entire party will have drop system 4x LOL. So no guys, this is not a server to play the easy way. Nor will be a drop system to obtain items easier, it will solely so you can play as a group and to stop worry for the ninja drop.

    Ultima is not a high rates server it is a mid rates server and we will remain that way."

  7. The other server that has this system the DAR is

    1P: 100% DAR
    2P: 82% DAR
    3P: 67% DAR
    4P: 54% DAR

    I have played on it and it is fine. I didnt notice no drop off in "rares" dropping lol. People who havent even tried it are making guesses on how it should be. I'm just really happy that this may actually go through. Remember people this is just an option when u make or join a game. Be happy that something new maybe implemented on Ultima and they trying to improve the server.

  8. I would actually do it the other way around in that case.

    1 P = 90 %

    2 P = 95 %

    3 P = 100 %

    4 P = 105 %

    Or something lighter :

    1 P = 96 %

    2 P = 98 %

    3 P = 100 %

    4 P = 102 %

    This way, solo playing would not be that much at disadvantage, but playing with more people would directly high up a bit the global drop rate (nothing insane though)

    Now now, once again, the issue is multi-logging. That's why I guess this will never be done (not even to mention that 'giving higher rates the more people join a room' will be considered an insane heresy and I'll be lynched for even thinking about it).

    But on that point, I agree with Kajex last post. If people want to bother playing 4 characters, good for them (bad for their health though). If because of those people prices go down, well prices go down and what ? I don't see any drama ^.^

    Wow never thought about that. Good suggestion it may work.

    • Like 1
  9. On the other server I've played with the pso2 style drops. With a full room with 4 people, I didn't notice any difference in rares dropping. Rares still dropped normal. They are just sorted to each player one at a time. If you try the style and don't care for it. Then you have the choice to play in normal mode. If Ps02 drops get implemented and I play with a group of friends or just one friend. I would set it to normal drops. Ps02 drops just make it fun to have open rooms or if none of your friends are on, to join random games and have fun and not have to worry about other people snatching up all the drops.

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  10. 100% yes. It was actually something that was making me lean towards towards Ephinea (that and the new hud). It excites me incredibly to hear that this could be a possibility.

    Currently if you are hunting something, you do it alone or with 'friends' there is 0 benefit to public hunting. Which sucks because that is when the game is the most fun. Also totally agree with Dmoney... why are we having admins deal with stolen items, why do we need etiquette? We should not be punishing people because of a technological inferiority in the game, why don't we just fix it?

    ... How does pso2 drop discourage people? Multiple clients was never intended, it is a workaround that we have adopted and used as base game... it isn't. I strongly prefer to play with others, but I am a ranger and am not running in to grab things all the time, so frequently, i'm left with nothing. I solo all the rest of the time to bother getting anything.

    I feel this whole "multi-client" group is the vocal minority, we are trying to get more people on the server. Do we really think multi client users are the majority we are trying to attract? Really?...

    If i could give you a 100 up votes I would. I play as a ranger too and Hardly get any of the drops when playing multiplayer, Its nice to just hang back and Support your team knowing that any drop that is on the floor is yours. I was playing yesterday and this guy grabbed every single rare that dropped (he was a hucast) I left after that game and logged off.

    • Like 1
  11. Ultima server with all the events favors solo playing or passworded rooms. When a event is active there is nothing but people playing solo or in a group of friends helping them get the drop in a passworded room. 95% of the time if there's a open room it will be named "input name" PGF so that way the player who makes the room can hopefully get the drop and nobody will steal it. But it still happens and there is a post so and so stole my sta or pgf blah blah.Then GMS gotta sort it out. Gets tiring they busy enough. I have played psobb with pso2 style drops and its alot more fun period. I love this server and want better things for it to improve.

    I would like to remind everyone that this is just a option when you create/join a game. You can still play normal drop mode all you want.

    • Like 2
  12. Well there's always ways to game a system being developed.

    For example, in your regard, killing 16 rappies in WoF with 4 characters (dual logging) would yield 4x the drops. (rather than currently making 4 individual rooms)

    This would make collecting material easier. This furthers the purpose of dual logging.

    Or------ a solution to this would be for Larva to change the drop table in "PSO2 Style" to simply not drop mats.

    There really are a lot of ways to enhance players to work together under PSO2 drop style, he just needs to tweak the new drop table in this regard with an interest in party play in mind, always.

    I'm trying to understand what you mean by having pso2 style simply not drop mats. Right now on ps02 style drops if a mat drops it only goes to one person. the other 3 people would get a trimate,meseta,frame etc. Trying to dual log on multiple accounts on ps02 style how would you get more mats that way? Can someone explain it to me? I feel dumb lol

  13. This is the most important thing that Ultima needs. If we could get individual drops, then we could convince new players to join this server instead of one that is currently superior.


    We already know that most players prefer that the game favors multiplayer over solo, so having individual drops would help with that. I'm really tired of soloing most of the time. I want to play multiplayer and not have the game punish me for it.

    I'm not sure this is accurate but I heard that the reason Larva is against having individual drops is because he doesn't want to change PSO from how Sega did it. Ignoring all of the other changes that have been made on this server, if you look at PSU and PSO2, we know that Sega thinks that PSO's default drop system is inferior. It's safe to assume that Sega themselves would have eventually implemented a better drop system if they stuck with PSO for longer.

    I think alot of newer players get discouraged and quit. I've seen it first hand. They can't keep up on ultimate with what they found so far and don't donate for better weapons and struggle playing solo, they get bored and move on to another place. I go through all my guild cards and 80-90% of them don't log on no more.

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