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Posts posted by Bossic

  1. Many thanks, tru and Zero, really :)

    So, I assume a "base" PSOBB formula for level 200 would be something like this for, say, a HUmar (if PSO-World is indeed correct):

    Max ATP: 1397
    Base ATP: 943
    Difference: 454

    So it would then be a matter of spreading points across Materials and Mag stats... A Mag with 140 POW (2 ATP for every Mag POW) and some odd 70+ Power Materials (another 2 ATP per Mat) would bridge the gap, then. A bit altered for Ultima, of course (Centurions sound great).

    I guess this was the formula I was missing all this time :/

  2. Addicting Food
    Claiming a Stake
    Magnitude of Metal
    Native Research
    The Lost Bride

    Presumo que todas as outras de "One Person Mode" estejam por traduzir? Pergunto porque penso poder ajudar, se ainda houver interesse (e se ainda houverem textos por traduzir).

  3. Hi. I know this has been asked and discussed and explained hundred of times over the years but... I still can't quite get the whole maxing stats maths behind the game.

    Which is to say, I am aware of, say, the Mag formulas (what each Mag stat influences), and the Mag limits, but I can never seem to get all the info, or all reliable info necessary to take a stab at this (it's not so much I desperately need to max my characters, I'm just curious; much as I've played the game over the years, it has always been mostly for fun). For instance, I know there is a 250 cap on attribute and HP/MP materials, however - does the game ever stop me from going over 125 in HP, or do I need to be cautious? When some guides on PSO-World refer to mag and God/Unit balance, are they considering equipment like Red Rings? I remember trying some guides in the past, but also remember at one point I realized the ones I was using were outdated, resulting in "not quite there" characters (though this was for PSO v2).

    Sometimes I look at my characters and kind of freeze when I think about Mat and Mag development if it really hinges on very specific equipment I may or may not get :/

  4. On the cosmetic side of things, I'd like the option to edit some character elements (such as the face) in the dressing room without having to create a new one.

    Though really, I would like to see more "adventures". When not performing quests - either the main or side ones - there may be some dynamic events which the player(s) can pursue. Say, exploring the Caves, you encounter a wounded Ranger who claims he and his team were ambushed by monsters. He'll give directions to the place where it happened, and players can investigate it. Some parameters may be changed according to difficulty or other values (the directions he gives may be precise or vague, the foes may be lower tier, or it may all be a ruse by other mercenaries). There are many kinds of events one can do like this, from pleads for help, walking in on a group of adventurers fighting off enemies, personal objects left behind by someone who you may choose to help - to quirkier happenings (such as a monster who lost all will to attack folks and requires incentive, for instance).

    While I personally have nothing against constantly fighting monsters, this may help some players feel like there is more to Ragol, or that the folks from Pioneer II are actually, actively exploring it rather than just being there in quests (even dungeon crawling slogs like Elminage have NPCs in dungeons commenting on the state of things).

    Failing that... More quests that explore various aspects of PS, from adventure to drama to humour. Example: a botched tourism attempt in the Ruins which sees players either trying to rescue helpless tourists or helping a tourism board counselor decide which would be the best sights to visit (hijinx ensues) - this wouldn't be out of place considering how Pioneer II's populace has already shown less than stellar discernment, from the landlord to the cake sisters, when it comes to dealing with the planet.

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