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About uroyoan

  • Rank
    Rag Rappy
    Rag Rappy

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  • Location
    Puerto Rico
  1. Yea I just updated the launcher and its gone, Still, thanks for the answer. Now I just need help to do the control thing.
  2. This is what I did: If unplugging the controller I means removing the usb cable from the usb port in my laptop. 1. I plugged in controller 1, launched client set up my character and had him walk in the lobby(block 1). 2. Then I unplugged the controller and plugged in controller 2, and launched the second client and left it in the log in screen. 3. I connected controller 1 and controller 1 was controlling both clients. Did I miss something? How exactly did you get this to work? Could you help me. (side note) What does steam mode mean?
  3. Oh nice, Have you tried this before? I will try it either way but some feedback would be appreciated
  4. I found the save credentials, thank you. and yea we only have 1 computer so it seems we will not be able to play this game then, Thanks for the answer.
  5. Hello! I have two questions: 1. I have 2 friends with me who would like to play this game, I have 3 controllers, is it possible to play this alongside them or do we need another computer for each player? I understand that I would have to make a character for each person. 2. Whenever I start up the game it keeps asking me for the registration ID. is there anyway I can save atleast the name and just type in the password? Thank you for helping me.
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