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About Ozzy

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  1. Hehe eu achei engraçado o que aconteceu. Tão querendo mesmo é ferrar com o Ministro da Educação XD Na verdade na verdade essa parada de usar o ENEM como processo de seleção é um fiasco, garanto que isso não vai durar até a UFRJ se separar igual fez quando fazia parte do UNIFICADO até 1987. É isso ae, vamos estudar e esperar agora. Além do mais, o ENEM tem que ser uma prova fácil porque é uma prova pro país inteiro, inclusive para alunos da rede pública. O governo não pode sair por aí fazendo uma prova a nível da UERJ por exemplo porque senão vai ferrar com os próprios alunos o_o
  2. Ozzy

    903 Error

    Yes yes, everything is working fine
  3. Hmm... Nome: Gustavo Idade: 18 anos Local: Macaé - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil Ocupação: Curso pré-vestibular (tarde/noite) Futuro: Engenharia Metalúrgica e de Materias (UENF - Campos) ou Licenciatura em Química (UFRJ - Macaé) ou Química Industrial (UFF - Niterói) =D
  4. Ozzy

    903 Error

    Ok, the problem is the patch. 1) It could be the PSOBB client I had here on my computer that wasn't working as the Ultima Server expect. 2) The patch may have some issues. I've downloaded the Ultima PSOBB Client and everything is working fine now. Whoever had the same problem I had, it's good to post and warn the Ultima Server Administrators, so they can work in a solution (only if the problem was really the patch). Simple connection, though, not complicated at all, and you guys are doing a great job
  5. It's a cool idea of you guys of modifying the drop rates =] Some are too abusive lol Like Psycho Wand drop for Gran Sorcerers.... 1/299k >__>
  6. Ozzy

    903 Error

    The firewall is disabled. 1) I used the patch. 2) I'm on XP, I hate Vista.
  7. Ozzy

    903 Error

    Ok, here's what I've exactly done: Installed the game, then started it to update the Game Guard. Since Sega PSOBB is no longer available, there's no need to patch with it. Then I've installed the patch on my PSOBB folder and started the game, but I keep getting the 903 error. Is there anything I forgot to do or anything I don't know I have to do?
  8. Oh, so that means the drop charts are still being worked on. As for the ones that aren't complete yet, they're the ones at pso-world.com?
  9. Hmm... I need to learn a lot from this server's drop chart and drop rates o.o So, 1/9901, 4x lower = 1/2475
  10. I'd like to know about the drop charts and rates for this server, exactly. Can someone help me with that?
  11. Let see if I got the message right. When you guys say "4x" drop rate, it's 4x lower or higher? Example: Sealed J-Sword drop rate is 1/12604. 4x higher like 1/50416 or 4x lower like 1/3226? It's just that the "4x lower" seems ambiguous to me, sorry.
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