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Everything posted by NephthysJackal

  1. Nice to meet you Pretzel. Hope you enjoy the game as much as i do.
  2. It came out great you did a really good job at capturing the face and I like how it contrasts with the dark background and the symbol on the left. I love it!
  3. He seriously deserves it. I mean he gets right to the point and has a whole scenario to go along with it. His tells a story that ours just can't. I love yours though! It seriously looks like a professional anime drawing. And the hands are great. Hands are so hard to draw. I love it!
  4. I think everyone is ashamed of what they drew after seeing yours armando. I know I am. The captions are really funny. Thanks btw. I'm not so good at this style of drawing, usually i do skeletons/skulls and illustrations of wildlife but I had fun and enjoy seeing the art of other people on here.
  5. Can u see it when you click on the link?
  6. http://gyazo.com/40bc6e6bf1efaed1b5d94e1935a06549
  7. That came out amazing! How did you upload it though? I'm having hell trying to upload one i did!
  8. Here's My entry. I could have spent more time on it but It helped me get back into drawing/painting.
  9. How did u upload yours? I'm trying to now
  10. I think you're right KingRA, I like your name btw. I'm assuming its a reference to the Egyptian solar diety.
  11. I can't now I've had too many nice people like you tell me not to!
  12. Thanks Armando. I don't have as much confidence in it as you do but It's coming thru pretty good. I am adding color to it now and Im letting it dry out before i add new layers. Its actually a watercolor painting. I did the drawing yesterday and it didnt take much time but the painting will be several sessions. I may be done in a few days. I scanned it before painting it just in case i mess up painting it.
  13. Not only am I enjoying it I'm entering the drawing contest. Although my strengths are in anatomy artwork such as skulls of various species of mammals and other vertebrates as well as ancient cultural icons from meso america and egypt I have completed a preliminary sketch so I'm feeling more into it. I also am going to try to figure out the donation system for the first time since I started about a month ago...From what I understand you donate and receive credits to trade in for items such as bunny ears.
  14. There's no shortage of dirty language and inuendos with you!
  15. I felt regretful after posting something about it the first time. I felt maybe I'll just quit and do something else. I play this game to relax after physically or mentally taxing days but I have other hobbies I enjoy too. But I felt to upset and hurt to just leave quietly so I thought I'd say something but I didnt want to be out of control about it. I was so excited when I found this game was available online because I played the gamecube version way back but offline and I missed it so much. I'm glad I said something about it because after getting over the embarassment I can see that it brought a lot of discussion which i think is a positive thing. And it introduced me to lots of people and their experiences.
  16. It is the second time so far but the first time was way worse for me. But that time i just avoided the lobby one area and went to different lobbies. Then i just sucked it up and forgot about it. Its kind of wierd because it makes me look at myself and say " well am i being too sensitive" . I have played few online games and this game is very unique in its interactions. I am also new to the game so I am getting to know the community more and more.
  17. I have way too much fun on the game to quit. I noticed too that I meet new people that I havent seen before too. It seems like this event has brought lots more people on than usual. If it does get out of hand I may take action but i feel much better now knowing that there's so many supportive people here on this server. It may be because it is a privately run type of game because I've had severe harassment on PSU when it was on xbox but there was nothing to do about it. Here there is a forum to vent and hear people's advice on how to handle stressful situations.
  18. Hello Poptarts. I have a submission. I drew your character but I need to add color. It will be in watercolor because it is best for shading. I cant do digital but i'm confident You'll be satisfied with the results. I need a couple of days. I mean it will take maybe twenty minutes to an hour to finish but I may not have time for a couple of days.
  19. You say hi to me sometimes MK8 and i think we've played together a few times. We'll play some more runs i'm sure.
  20. Thank you to everyone who responded> I spent time thinking about it and I guess everyone has their good and bad days. We've all been mean to someone or had an argument or been sensitive or had our feelings hurt but it makes us human. I'm not going to sit around and mope and feel sorry for myself. I think its best to move on and have fun. I look forward to hanging out with everyone who replied to my thread. Thank you again for being so kind hearted. I feel like this is a very accepting and kind community.
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