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Posts posted by harospex

  1. YO guys I need a TRIPLE INVINCIBILITY mag and I need the stats to be precisely 5/121/74/0. The kinds of mags I'm looking for are Tellusis, Sato or Nidra.

    name your price guys :D

  2. Hmmmm well looking at the title of the second one:

    genesis - Apocalypse in 9-8/As Sure as Eggs is Eggs

    I think it's suggesting the easiest place to hunt would be govt quest 9-8 in episode 4

    So basically he's telling us to kill Saint Million

  3. Second video suggest it's from a dragon, surely there has been enough ttf and rt done to find at least one though, so maybe not.

    Perhaps its not talking about Sil/Gol Dragon but actually about Nano Dragons which everyone always skips over in ttfs

  4. i know I'm just playing but seriously though I feel we should just let everybody keep the RRs and not change the drop rate either. The price won't crash that hard. It will maybe be like 40 pds for a min one, but max will still retain their value.

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  5. I feel like things would get a bit hectic if we just got new colors EVERY time we prestige. Most people on this server already have at least 1 lvl 200 so the color would lose its value very quickly since everyone would have it. I think if we set it to like every 4th prestige it would yield a greater incentive and give those people that already have a full 200 account a reason to start over.

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