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Posts posted by TopherChico

  1. Please help. I am leveling my first mag and trying to work towards a specific count. I was leveling it today and ALMOST TO MY GOAL of a 5/0/50/45 Bhima. I had to log out for a few minutes at lvl 98... it's been an Ila since 50 and the count was 5/0/48/45.

    I just logged back in to find that I had a BHIRAVA with 7/0/45/45?!? I've been meticulously leveling it and now I lost my DEX levels and gained unwanted DEF??? I don't get to play that much, and now I can't perfect my mag without starting over. Not a fun experience. :(

  2. Brand new to Ultima. Played previously on Schthack and Eden.

    Looking for a team that has at least a few active players on most nights of the week. I find PSO a lot more fun when in a team that likes to run things together. I've noticed that a lot of people on this server speak Spanish, I however do not, so I'm looking for a primarily English speaking team if possible.


    Tsuki - Lvl 68+

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