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Posts posted by hiei

  1. Hey guys I was just wondering is it possible to get a Sato mag with stats 5/165/30/0? If not what would I need to do to get a Sato with those stats?

  2. So I'm working on a new mag for my FOmar and someone told me to level dex and mind and that's it but to focus mostly on dex ofr now. I was wondering what would be good stats for my mag at level 200?

    Right now my mag is a Sita and it's stats are

    Def: 5

    Pow: 0

    Dex: 33

    Mind: 13

  3. I could give you recommendations on what you could hunt for now, but I don't know your section ID or what section IDs you have available.

    The only two ids I have access too are Yellow and Viridia with the FOmar being Yellow

    I also thought that Godric's cloak was broken, or has it been fixed since?

  4. it matters on if your a melee FOmar or a pure magic FOmar once you tell us what one you are planning to be then people could help a lot more :3

    Idk I thought about being pure magic but I do like having the option of switching it up and being melee so I think I'll go with being melee

  5. Selling stuff trying to get better stuff: Make offers on anything you want!


    Select Cloak x2 - 4Slots

    Select Cloak x2 -2Slots

    Select Cloak x2 - 0Slots

    Select Cloak -1Slot

    Guard wave

    Black Hound Cuirass

    Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou


    De Rol Le Shield

    Proto Regene Gear

    Custom Barrier ver.00

    Standstill Shield

    Mag Cells:

    Kit of Hamburger

    Rappy's Beak


    Caduceus 0/25/20/0

    Daylight Scar 0/0/0/0

    Demolition Comet 20/0/25/0

    Last Survivor 0/0/0/0

    Brave Hammer 0/0/0/0

    Sigh of a God 0/0/0/0

    Striker of Chao 0/0/0/0


    Resta lvl 29

    Foie lvl 28

    Razonde lvl 24

    Gibarta lvl 27

    Gibarta lvl 28

  6. Hey I have a level 150 fomar. Current equipped items are; De Rol Le Shield, Select Cloak, Brave Hammer, Units are v801, god/Tech, god/mind, heaven/mind. I want to find new items for him but have no idea what would be good for armor or weps. Suggestions?

  7. I am a level 150 fomar that has played PSO from dreamcast to xbox to GC and now. I have never really tried to get better gear for my character or anything I usually just use what I get but have noticed playing here getting better stuff is important since playing this version of PSO is different than Vanilla PSO. So I'm wondering what would be good weapons armor, and a good mag for my character. Right now I have a Brave Hammer for wep, Select Cloak for armor, De Rol Le for shield, and the slots I have are God/Tech, God/Mind, v801, and God/Power.

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