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Posts posted by Dao

  1. what you mean why dont i play :o and becuase ive been playing all weekend + friday and havent found a single disk yet on here :P and stores only sell up to lvl 12 for me.

    LV 12 disks? Do you mean disks for weapons or for spells like Discs*. If you have the English patch as well, you can go to one of those small machine things on the walls that have a purple question mark and then go buy buy stuff. www.bumped.org helps a lot too.
  2. i wants :( i wants to try to forces hope disks aren't still evil chains that hold you down

    Why don't you play? and disks are pretty much the same but you got to do a quest for grants and gigrants plus LV cap for disks are 10 and you can buy them in the market.
  3. Might also mention that level 40 is the cap right now.


    I'm only lvl 29 on it with my ranger.

    I'll upload some pictures too whenever I feel like it.

    I'll help you, if we had almost the same time zone and played all day, in 1 days time we can get you to 33+.
  4. I have had my Hunter to LV 40 for awhile now and have been forking on my ranger, my brother said to stop LVing because I got to adicted to it so now I got some free time to show off some pictures, If anyone is in SHIP 6 KEN then I can help. Got nothing else to do :) So here it is!~






    All the pictures where taken in Mines and yes, I am pale as a ghost because it is a costume, I am actually a robot ^^; Okay, hope you enjoy!

    EDIT: If anyone is interested, you can ask me for an invite to the guild/team I am in, there will be questions asked just so you all know.

  5. As far as I know it just edits the text strings, so I really don't see why it would cause longer load times or lag. I didn't install it myself though, so I can't say for sure.

    I'd say you're pretty safe from being banned so long as you don't post lots of screenshots and videos of yourself using the patch. (Even so, it is a longshot that they'd actually do anything about that)

    If you want, you can make a backup of the original files just in case there are any side effects of using this patch.

  6. Wait sorry were you offering all 3? thats what i was thinking >.>.

    Can you come online bro for trade if you can (guld milla).

    Lawl, we had a miss understanding then, let me change the error XD I will be on right now as well.
  7. I'll take the Nakas but I only have a Photon Sphere, unless you have some PD to give back to me (55) i'll take them off your hands.

    Or can offer a FTD for them.

    Do you just want one?
  8. I just realized that i still have force items so I am about to list them. I don't know if I put them on my trade list a long time ago and I'm not going to check because I am VERY lazy so here goes nothing.

    Merc Rod

    Hildebear's Cane +3

    Twinkle Star x2

    Gal Wind

    Glide Divine

    Aura Field 268 DFP 154 EVP

    Smart Link x3

    V801 x2

    And there are probably more but I can't tell.

    I noticed I had 3 Naka's Cards and I am sure I wont use them so If anyone wants them, I will sell them for 45 PDs (Each!~). If you want to bargen, please PM me.

  9. Sry Dao Ive Been On A Vacation For A Week Anyways Do You Still Need That Mag?

    Nope, As long as NOFEAR doing it. Sorry and NOFEAR, if you read this, you should go on forum more and respond to my PM xD
  10. I am on ship 6 too...if you see Freedert that is me lol

    I was going to respond to this but WDF, Its been like 6 hours of me playing and I its almost evening soon. I played to much today, and if you know where the bank/deposit place is, we should meet there.
  11. Ok ^^ It will take a few days since I have one half made.

    Also I can do it 1:1 for a ELENOR mag I have 30 170 0 0 with twins if you like

    Sorry, I need a higher pow mag plus I got an Ashura Cell on the 180 mag we trading. How much PDs do you think you can add?
  12. Yeah can have twins. Yeah Srank will worth a little more so I will add something else or pds for the diference

    You got yourself a deal, how long it will take?
  13. I can make you a 180 pow mag for that Insane Needle

    Can It also have twins? Also, I thought a mag 180 pow has less value then S-rank? Can you add PDs or something to it?
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