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Rollback Request

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Hello, I need a rollback.

Here's my story: I used a Trifluid, and I crashed because the server didn't recognize my action of using a Trifluid during my run of Point of Disaster in Ultimate in the route to the crater area. This all happened today(11/28/2013), during 10:31AM according to the Shoutbox clock, or my time of 1:31PM EST. The server's time is based on the Shoutbox, yes?

Anyways, I don't have any specific items to request back since my inventory hasn't changed in over a week, but I would like my 16 items back since I don't keep score on that - Click a URL below to view. Also, I didn't take a picture of my inventory before this unfortunate event occurred.

Here's my Profile:

UserID: villain

Character: Dana/FOmarl/Bluefull

Slot: 1

On the bright side, now I can use another character; yea!

Here's two URLs for my image of my latest inventory full of XXXX's: (Hope this works...)



I can't see my own image because Google Chrome's just not working for me right now, but this will suffice.

Also, take care of this like later because Happy Thanksgiving. If that's not your kind of holiday, sorry... I was just being kind.

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