Hopefully this is an okay spot to put this post. Sorry in advance if its not. So anyways i've been following this here guide http://www.pso-world.com/sections.php?op=viewarticle&artid=1024
And so far i've done nothing but feed the MAG antidotes and its currently level 12. Its a Kalki. My ranger i made to feed the mag is a RAmarl with bluefull. So i dont THINK i've screwed anything up yet so far. Its the next parts im worried about though. Does it want me to Keep feeding the mag all the antipari as the ranger till level 50? Or do i use the Hunter/Force to feed the antiparalysis? The last step is simple enough thankfully. Use a FOwearl/marl with the right section id to get it to turn into sato by feeding dimates. But the first few steps are just confusing due to how its written. Or maybe im just stupid-
Regardless i need someone that knows what they are doing when it comes to MAGS to break this down nice and simple for my peanut brain to understand. XD