Those three items are in auction, it will end the 21 of December.
Proof Of Sonic Team : starting bid 10 DTs => CHB (8 PTs + 32 PDs) @252psycho
Psycho Black Crystal : starting bid 10 DTs => CHB 15 DTS @GoPikachu
HOLY RAY [35/0/0/0|45] : starting bid 15 pd => CHB 25 PDs @Night
The following items are for sell :
LAME D'ARGENT [25/0/25/0|0] (0 kill) : 2 PD
Trap/Search : 4 PD Centurion/Ability : 4 PD
Monogrinder x99 : 5 PD Digrinder x99 : 10 PD
Jellen lv30 : 4 PD Shifta lv30 : 6 PD
If am happy with a deal I'll throw in some Jack-O'-Lantern or Easter Egg Ultimate.