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Found 2 results

  1. Please Buy Something! Lemme know if you see something you like. Melee Weapons with HIT Lords Gungnir 0/0/0/40/25 - 2 PD's DIska of Liberator 0/0/30/25/25 - 2 PD's DIska of Braveman 20/15/0/0/30 - 3 PD's Diska of Braveman 25/0/0/0/35 - 2 PD's Arrest Gungnir 0/0/0/0/30 - 3PD's Ancient Saber 0/0/25/20/30 - 3 PD's Cross Scar 0/5/0/0/10 - 1PD Yamato 0/0/0/0/20 - 2 PD's Guns with HIT Lords raygun 30/0/0/30/30 - 3 PD's Charge raygun 25/0/0/30/35 - 4 PD's Charge Laser 0/0/15/020 - 2 PD's Charge Laser 0/0/0/30/25 - 3 PD's Charge Gattling 0/0/0/5/45 - 2 PD's Gush Vulcan 0/0/20/0/30 - 5 PD's Devils Vulcan 35/0/0/25/20 - 5 PD's Arrest Vulcan 0/30/0/40/25 - 5 PD's Charge Arms 0/35/45/0/30 - 4 PD's Havoc Arms 0/40/0/40/45 - 5 PD's Freeze Arms 0/0/10/0/25 - 3 PD's Justy 23ST 0/0/30/0/40 - 5 PD's Custom Ray ver.OO 0/25/0/0/35 - 2 PD Guns Without Hit Baranz Launcher - 8 PD's Spread Needle - 5 PD's Gi Gue Bazooka - 10 PD's Shields Vol Opt Virus Sheild - 8 PD's Standstill Shield - 2 PD's Yata Mirror - 2 PD's LVL 25 + Tech Rabarta: 25,27 Zonde:26 Jellen:26,28 Razonde:26 Gifoie:26, Foie:26,27 Gibarta:26 Resta: 27,28 Deband: 27 Barta:28 Materials 40x Mind 40x Evade 60x Def 94x Grinders
  2. Please buy something! Feel free to barter. Mag Grey Sato lvl 100 (5/50/45/0) - 8 PD's Melee Weapons with HIT Lords Gungnir 25 hit - 2 PD's DIska of liberator 15 hit - 1PD DIska of liberator 25 hit - 3 PD's DIska of braveman 30 hit - 4 PD's Stag Cutlery 20 hit - 2 PD's Ancient Saber 30 hit - 3 PD's Cross Scar 10 hit - 1 PD Yamato 20 hit - 2 PD's Guns with HIT Charge Railgun 50 hit - 2 PD Lords raygun 30 hit - 3 PD's Charge raygun 35 hit - 4 PD's Charge Laser 20 hit - 2 PD's Charge Laser 30 hit - 3 PD's Charge Gattling 50 hit - 2 PD's Devils Vulcan 20 hit - 2 PD's Berserk Vulcan 35 hit - 4 PD's Arrest Vulcan 25 hit - 2 PD's Charge arms 35 hit - 4 PD's Charge Arms 30 hit - 3 PD's Havoc Arms 45 Hit - 5 PD's Freeze Arms 25 Hit - 3 PD's Frozen Shooter 15 hit - 2 PD's Frozen Shooter 25 hit - 3 PD's Justy 23ST 40 hit - 5 PD's Guns Without Hit Baranz Launcher - 8 PD's Spread Needle - 5 PD's LVL 25 + Tech LVL 25 Rabarta - 1 PD LVL 26 Foie - 1 PD LVL 26 Zonde - 1 PD LVL 26 Jellen - 1 PD LVL 26 Razonde - 1 PD LVL 26 Gifoie - 1PD LVL 27 Rabarta - 2 PD LVL 27 Foie - 2 PD LVL 27 Gibarta - 2 PD LVL 27 Resta - 3 PD LVL 27 Rabarta - 2 PD LVL 27 Deband - 2 PD LVL 28 Barta - 2 PD LVL 30 Shifta - 4 PD Ampifire of Barta - 2 PD's Ampifire of Gizonde - 2 PD's Materials 35x Mind 45x Evade 20x HP 55x Def
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