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Posts posted by slug!

  1. Quick update, Took Magic Rock "Heart Key" and Snow Queen off the Want list. Added Cure/Freeze.

    Desperately looking for Invisible Guard, Will trade Photon Sphere or something for it. :) I want a Safety Heart to go with my Sweetheart. XD

  2. I have V501, I'm interested in the Delsaber's Shield.

    Whoops, I suppose I need to take v501 off of my want list, because I have two of them XD. I thought it was v502 that I had two of. My mistake. Make another offer perhaps?

  3. anything on my trade list for your adept? and we still gotta do our clio trade.

    The adept is long gone I just forgot to update my list. I will have another sometime soon whenever I decide to convert my Limiter.

    But for now, how does G-Assassins Sabers for my Clio sound?

  4. I have some weapon for trade and below is what i have:

    Update: 9/21/09



    DB's Saber


    Red Saber 15/0/0/0

    Victor Axe

    DB's Saber (3075)

    Flameberge 30/0/40/0/30



    Flowen's Sword +21

    Dragon Slayer



    Guren 0/0/30/0


    Agito 2001





    Blade Dance

    Bloodly Art

    S-Beats Blade

    G-Assassin's Sabers




    Snake Spire




    Photon Claw

    Silence Claw

    Twin Sabers:


    Twin Brand

    Demolition Comet 0/5/0/0


    Stag Cutlery 0/45/0/20



    Slicer of Assassin

    Diska of Liberator

    Diska of Braveman

    Flight Cutter 10/20/20/0

    Rappy's Fan



    Photon Launcher

    Red Scorpio

    Meteor Smash

    Inferno Bazooka

    Frozen Shooter 0/15/0/0

    Final Impact

    Panzer Faust

    L&K14 Combat +20 0/0/25/0/25

    Twin Swords:




    Jizai 0/30/30/0



    Brave Knuckle



    Sense Plate (0 Slot)

    Guard Wave (0 Slot)

    Aura Field (0 Slot)

    Red Coat (4 Slots)

    Alliance Uniform (1 Slot)

    Star Curiass (1 Slot)

    Select Cloak (0 Slot)

    Flowen's Frame (4 Slots)

    Flowen's Shield

    Secure Feet

    Stink Shield



    Gods/Power x4

    Gods/Hp x3

    Devil/Battle x4

    Perfect/Resist x4

    Hp/Revival x5

    Cure/Poison x2


    Cure/Freeze x3

    Yasakani Magatama x2




    Liberta Kit

    Star Amplifier


    Cell of 502

    I'm still in progress of gathering more items but I will update whenever I have something new or items i don't want anymore.

    IGN: Raizou (Whitill)

    Looking for:


    Heaven Punisher %

    Excalibur/Lame D' Argent %

    Glide Divine

    Psycho Wand

    Black King Bar %

    Dragon Scale

    Red Daggers %

    Red Odoshi Domaru



    Spirit Garment

    Photon Crystal

    Photon Drop

    If you don't have any of these then feel free to offer.

    How about my Clio for your G-Assassin's Sabers? I will be on tomorrow, so just PM me or respond to my trade thread. XD

  5. If you have anything on my want list, just make an offer for the Clio.

    The red ring was promised to Vypor so I traded it to him today. I am only about 5-10 runs away from getting another though. :)

    Also, I will be updating my trade list either way later tonight when I get home from the kegger, or tomorrow morning after I wake up. I will try to be on as much as possible this weekend to take care of these trades.

    Also, I will be hunting Rico's Earring and Rico's Glasses. Those should be up for trade soon as well. Take care until then guys.

    I'll be on tomorrow morning probably all day. :)

    EDIT: Dman, I am interested very much in your Snow Queen. So when I find that next Red Ring, it's yours for the Snow Queen. I'll PM you when I get it. XD

  6. Hey uh, what do you want for the Guren? I'll make the items you wanted to buy off me free (that's about 3 pds) if you want. I am trying to make jizai xd.

    Make me an offer.

    Also, if blowstuffup is still around here PM me about those Sato's. I've still got that 40-45% hit Vivienne in my bank.

  7. Need to update list, busy right now though. Red ring is gone, as well as H/battle and Rupika.

    I'm sure I will find them again soon though. But right now I'm busy at work and can't update the list. Will do later. Peace out.

  8. I thought I could change my team flag by just replacing the flag.bmp file in the teamflag folder with another .bmp as long as it was 32x32 pixels or less? I tried this and it didn't work. I still get the handicap symbol for the team I just started. Of course, this team has no members yet, I just started it today. But why can't I change my flag? Or who do I have to talk to?

    Thanks in advance for any help. ^_^

  9. Dude, I wanna go with you on those runs xd, pm me whnever you're making a room with these chars and I'll go-with. I can prob do ep 1 and 2 on ult

    For the Torr runs when searching for Heaven Punisher I just do the first two rooms of TTF. Usually anywhere from 1-4 Torrs right off the bat, because of the increased appearance of rare monsters at the moment ^_^.

    For the others, I will let you know. The event lasts until the 10th. :)

    Also, I'm still pretty sick, So all those of you that I need to trade with, again, thank you for being patient. I might be able to sign on in a little bit and I'll try to find a few of you.

  10. Thank you much, and that sounds good. I usually don't have a problem finding you, as I have your card. But if I happen to be on when you're not, a PM will suffice. Talk to you soon.

    I heard rare monster appearances are up during the Samurai Armor/Genpei event? If so, I'm going to be pulling out my bluefull for mass HP (bluefull Torr's) runs. Might pull my Redria out a little as well to do some Kondrieu runs for Limiter and maybe some ult whitill kond runs for lame :). I want an Adept for my secondary character. :)

  11. Yes, I will. These trades will not expire, once I promise somebody something or make a trade final, that means it's final. ^_^

    I'm hoping that I will be feeling somewhat better tomorrow, mostly because it's fucking Friday and I want to go out, lol.. but also so I can take care of some of you.

    Talk to everyone soon-ish. :P

  12. Bleh, sorry to everyone that has sent me a PM or has replied to this thread patiently awaiting a trade, I have been VERY sick since Monday night and this is actually the first time I've actually been on my PC since then. I am feeling pretty shitty at the moment so please be patient with me. I apologize about the wait, everyone. I have a doctor's appointment today and then after that, if I'm not too tired, I will sign on for awhile and try to take care of some of these trades. Again, sorry for the wait, and thanks for being patient.

    *throws up* .... false alarm..

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