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Posts posted by Drakfang4

  1. i was trying to get this strait, it dosnt exist on this server, they can put it in but it will just be a bank to that character, the point is, they can make it appear but it dosnt work :(, not sure if there trying to fix or not. And it would be right next to the normal bank but they took it out because it didnt work anyway.

  2. You replied me so i will return the favor lol.

    Anywho.......As far as i know, no there is currently no way to transfer items between characters without giving them to another person. There IS a common bank were everyone from the same account can deposit and take out but it is not functional on this server yet,sorry.But if you need to transfer anything, give me a shout, i would be glad to help.

  3. Thanks people, i have chosen FOnewm. I will work on my mag and will fund it with oter character as you adviced lol. Thanks again because it was very descriptive.

    Edit:WOW, i had a FOmar lv59 on my other account all along lol wow i guess im doing FOmar then lolz

  4. I randomly decided to make a team for fun it only has me in it but ima invite 3 ppl

    USA Bot Vr



    Maybee the team will get popular...i just did this for fun, hope SOMONE will join lol. PLease consider joining(when i get mroe people) we are gonna be a very friendly team who will try to be active on teamchat and maybee some events. For joining contact Drakfang9, O.D.S.T or AncientX1.

  5. OMG i cant believe i actually got my video on a thread, i have never been even the slighteset bit of importance ANYWHERE......you speleed my name wronjg lol, but i dunt care, lotsta people call me that lol. TY

    Edit: Btw i suck with editing so it kinda sucks so i think ill remake one when i get better at videos lol jsut wanted to spread the word

  6. Hello, i am going to make a force but i need to know some stuff. First off, if someone could give me some basic tricks & tips, i would appreciate it. Because i haven't really made anything but a cast, i have a lv76 RAmar but i feel like i really just got power leveled that high so yeah. I would also like to know the advantages/disadvantages/differences of FOnewn to FOmar, i am an imature type person that is not gonna make a girl because i am a boy. Yes its sexist/gay/imature but this isnt what this topic is about,IT DOSNT MATTER. I would also like to know the suitable section I.Ds fir forces. So thanks for reading this, and please reply.

    Drak out.

  7. yes i Saw your video xD

    XDXDXDXD :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: i cant beliave it, the founder of this server actually took to time to look at my video and not even say it sucks(even though we all know it does). Lol, who wouldn't like this server? Im gonna try to advertise more btw, i hope to get people on, but im not famous anywhere so i may have a hard time doing it but, oh well lol.

  8. Just out of curiosity, does anyone have a heavens punisher? I have nothing to give right now except for a photon crystal. But i want to know how much they would go for? Please and thank you

  9. Siento, pero (uso a un traductor de web btw, yo dont dicen el español entonces este puede ser un poco mispelled) no tengo el que. La razón fijo este fue avisarle cuando lo consigo realmente yo podría dárselo desde su único una chatarra rara, enferma lo sustituye por brionic o algo. Tan sí, enfermo mensaje usted cuando lo tienen, y adivino que usted puede tenerlo.

    Edit:El Nvm-wth es este

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