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Posts posted by sonicuk

  1. and if he is clean im going to remark he is clean and if not im going to remark that too. (im saying if he had thous weapons ) don't care nothing else.

    Wow you really put effort into checking that data Larva, how long now ? lol like i give a toss cuz there was nothing to find anyway.

    Guys are you still playing PSO really ? come on :( get a decent game, Asura server ftw you know it makes sense at this price ;)

    £17.99 for all this O.O


  2. Just wanna say thanks to Green Ash Zap and the rest of the team for making the last couple of months on Ultima a memorable one, we had some laughs with green and his sticky fingers and our lows with ash losing his account to corrupt data and having to start again, hope the items i spent many many late sleepless night hunting give you a bit of pd in return, zap i never got to show you the chao mag i spent dayzzzzzzz feeding lol pity your not on to give me a chance to say farewell, shame i lost all those mags, glide divine and the DM in the rollback, i guess my eagerness to sell and trade enough to get a DM was my downfall, so if u find yourself feeding mags and some char comes in offering you a pgf just log off lol i laugh yes but seriosly guys log the fk off its not worth the hassle trust me XD.

    gonna leave u with a joke ......

    An Englishman joins a hack free psobb server to keep in touch with his kids have some fun and make new friends and gets banned for doing just that, boom boom.

    what its not funny ? Pin laughed his ass off you guys have no sense of humour geez ;)

    Take care guys gonna miss you all, now go find ur own fkin addslots lol byeeeeeeeee :onion-head41:

    • Like 2
  3. I'm just wondering a bit, will this reset also my HP mats? Can I chooose to reset only one or two types of mat?

    I asked the same question when i realised that there was a limit to how many you can use per char and made a mess of my stats at lvl 200, the answer i was given was that it resets everything hp included.

    Hope you get an answer from someone with more knowledge than myself, i can point a gun and shoot thats about my limit lol

  4. plus i got the video of u saying u were gonna write to paypal and try to incriminate larvas server in the shoutbox.

    if iam to banned for no reason i want the donation fee's returned the donated items are still on my account, simple as so i need to notify paypal to get it resolved, i donated yes its down as donated but we are not stupid the word donation really reads non taxed income, that being beside the point i donated in good faith because i planned on playing for as long as possible therefore wanted to show my support. If you were busy playing and enjoying the game like everyone else you will find it much more rewarding than crying wolf and causing trouble. This is all because you were bragging about your DM with its gimpy stats and me saying "only an idiot would waste a pgf on an arms with those stats".

    You still cant get it into your thick head that i was given the pgf before Broom came on the server, the hacked DM i picked up i gave to Mio the moment he logged on to show him what stats were on it and what to be on the look out for. Its not the first time the team iam in have tried to help out the GMs with hacking issues, Green has gone out of his way to point out suspicion to GMs about suspected members of his own team to have them monitored and them removed if breaking the rules, so leave him out of this.

  5. you really think iam trying to say that chatlog is real lol u are really really dumb its as real as the crap you sent larva trying to get me banned out of jealousy, the sad thing is it probably will get me banned, but hey its a game and i wont let it affect my real life, its just a shame that i like pso and its a way of keeping in touch with my son whos also in the armed forces whom also likes pso. Regarding this face to face macho crap, really O.O u think iam scard of some pissy little internet bully like you pmsl.

    Pin, iam a hacker no iam not a hacker make ur mind up, oh yes sry i got the pgf from the room the hacker was in, then i time warped back 48 hours and posted on the forum i had traded for one, now that is a amazing.

    I can hack a pgf but i have to donate to get a red ring, hmm now that does not sound very smart considering i have the ability to time warp into the past to make a post lol.

  6. ok i am sorry i thought you were talking to me i am sorry about the confusion

    Its ok dont worry about it reading it back it did look like it was aimed at both of you my bad for not quoting his text.

    Its a shame people like him are on the server but i guess there is no IQ or age limit for playing online games, Pin sends me pm's saying iam going to send chats logs to larva etc etc i want you banned i want to fight you wtf lol, chat logs are a good and bad thing as you will see if you keep reading, a person who is jealous and vindictive can use it for the wrong purpose. Its sad when an innocent legit player who gladly donates to the server reads things like ........


    retired Ultima CEO



    Joined:24-November 08


    Location:Mexicali , Mexico

    In Game Name:Larvadeath, Tastar.

    Posted Yesterday, 10:06 PM

    si yo tambien ando tras la cabeza de sonicUK asi que solo es cuestion de tiempo Die, no te preocupes mucho.

    translates to .....

    I'm also after the head of sonicUK so just a matter of time Die.


    So back to chatlogs, how real are they ??? let me elaborate .......

    19:03:40 Enter 01:Ultima:01-01

    19:03:51 42014919 Pin can i ask a favor lol

    19:03:56 42016522 TangoUK ask away

    19:04:10 42014919 Pin i want to dupe some pgf

    19:04:15 42014919 Pin just need you to make a room

    19:04:21 42016522 TangoUK thats gonna get us both banned

    19:04:26 42016522 TangoUK sry dont want any part of it ><

    19:04:29 42014919 Pin i hack items all the time

    19:04:35 42014919 Pin even have sex wih goats and chickens in rl

    19:04:41 42016522 TangoUK to much info dude ur sick ewww

    19:04:44 42014919 Pin lol dont worry just call me pinprick

    19:04:50 42016522 TangoUK being called pinprick dont bother you ?

    19:04:53 42014919 Pin not really i tell lies and spoil pso for others

    19:04:57 42014919 Pin the other day i eat dog shit

    19:04:59 42016522 TangoUK iam gonna throw up dude plz no more info

    19:05:02 42014919 Pin gonna go bash the bishop at some kiddie porn

    19:05:09 42016522 TangoUK your sick pinprick you need help

    19:05:14 42016522 TangoUK login off you disgust me

    19:05:20 42014919 Pin dont go u can watch if you like

    19:05:25 42016522 TangoUK ive heard enough iam off bye freak ><

    Enough said ^^

  7. lawl who you talking to

    Sorry the comment wasnt aimed at yourself, it was at Pin he has the nerve to call others for being in the room with the hacker having a laugh, taking screenshots and warning players not to pick items up because you cannot keep them, when he was there himself picking stuff up, pot calling the kettle black me thinks. Pathetic......

  8. Finally have enough pds make my second photon sphere now I'm taking offer for them.

    I'm looking for dark meteor, parasite gene flow, dark bridge and other good hit stuff.

    hello, if you get offered any of the above I suggest you take screenshots of the trade for when people are accusing you of anything bad, gl hope you get what you are after.

    • Like 1
  9. 6 new mags.

    Agastya (yellow) 5/150/45/0 twins/estlla/pilla

    Sato (Pink) 5/0/45/150 golla/estlla/pilla

    Rukmin (White) 5/0/45/150 golla/estlla/pilla

    Sato (Green) 5/150/45/0 twins/estlla/pilla

    Chao 37/37/37/37 golla/estlla/pilla

    Chu Chu 5/165/30/0 twins/estlla/pilla


  10. Hiya, I only found it the other day so its only recently been added to the list, asking 20pd for that. Ive been playing with it and it kicks ass, the Baranz is still better because that does not kill you the Arms does lol :)

  11. Updated

    Now 4 lvl 200 mags

    Sato white - 5/155/45/0 - twins,Estlla,Pilla - Sold

    Agastya white - 5/130/65/0 - twins,Estlla,Pilla - Sold

    Agastya yellow - 5/155/45/0 - twins,Estlla,Pilla - Sold

    Rukmin - 5/150/50/0 - twins,Estlla,Pilla - Sold

    More weapons with hit%

    Mats are 5 for 1pd, bargain ;)

    Always looking for hp mats offer pd or items

    Currently ingame on TangoUK

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