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Posts posted by Vypor

  1. I offer red ring, ftd, and psycho wand for 2 tickets to the super bowl!

    Anyways the packers are favorite by 2.5 points. Somebody in vegas is a moron xP. Anyways I bet 20 pd's on the Steelers, with the point spread. If anybody would like to take me up on this bet just reply. :onion105:

    Joy, a bunch of grown men in tights running over each other to see who can hold onto the inflated pigbutt-skin the longest.

    P.S. I'm not offering, derp.

    Besides, I already have all those items.


  2. LOL? Dj I've heard you can be useless at times, but really?!

    Anyways welcome to the server new guy. If you spend any time on the forums (namely, the shoutbox) you'll get to know me REALLY quickly. Forum Spammer, at your service *bows* (we lack a bowing onion head emote D:)

    Well, it's not much but you could use this I suppose.


  3. I daresay, you're quite welcome for the referral.

    Now isn't this so much better than slaying Boomas all by your lonesome on the Gamecube?

    Also, you? Burden?

    Bah, you shoulda seen DJIJ when I met him.

    The poor guy kept catching himself on fire with his own Rafoie. D:

    Dunno where he'd be without me having to continually dunk him in the water to put him out.

  4. I play em occasionally.

    I beat them though, so not really playing them currently.

    I have Platinum Heartgold and Soulsilver.

    And Pokemon Mystery dungeon games. Though you can't really do much multiplayer-wise there.

  5. Lateon somehow reminded me of latias and latios.... a bit.

    but still a pretty kickass and badass drawing you got

    There's a very good reason he does.

    He is my own alternate species of Eon Pokemon, aside from Latios and Latias.

    I've intended him to resemble them greatly. As the pictures should show rather clearly.


    And yes. Those symbols on his blade do spell something.

    It's a little language I've been developing for awhile.

  6. wow if you make a flash animations you will be the best XDDD

    I don't have Flash sadly.

    I'd like to get it and experiment some.

    However, I lack a lot of patience. So chances are I probably wouldn't get much done. :/

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  7. I'm sure you all know my avatar by now. Del Lateon. My own PSO creature design.

    What you HAVEN'T seen yet though, is the fullview of it.

    Well here ya go.


    I believe I made the glow a bit too bright however. It's gonna nag me forever.

    And the animation is a tad too choppy for my liking, but it's not half bad if I do say so myself.

    Now if only we could figure out a way to implement this creature into the game...


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