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Posts posted by Vypor

  1. I can solo TTF as a RAcast. and you LIE! you soloed VH! you said so yourself!!

    That sir, was on a separate occasion.

    I have done BOTH.

    How do we KNOW You did with Lolipop the ENTIRE time. you could've only done with a DM or something and at the end use Loli

    Have you ever known me to lie to you? ¬U¬

    Actually, my computer is not good enough to handle Fraps-ing that much gametime. Nor would anyone want to sit through an hour and a half of me beating things, then pausing to a few minutes to talk on MSN, then go beat some more things, pause to MSN. etc. etc. etc.

  2. 1:27? most lv 100s can do better with a lolipop

    You don't know me very well.

    I pause a LOT to talk to people on IM's since I play windowed.

    As for you Apollo, without some major aid, like permanent level 80 buffs, Ultimate difficulty would be impossible with such a weak weapon.

  3. Sexy.

    I hope they try to keep is as much like PSO as they can, but with a MUCH better storymode for single player.

    That's one thing PSO always sucked with. Storymode. There was a story, sure. But the path to go along it with the quests didn't even really make any sense.

    I like the way the attacks and actions are so much more lifelike too, running + shooting is gonna be a nice change.

  4. btw: Lateon looks cool.


    Also, Lateon is technically Crystalline type, but that works too. lol

    Also also, my apologies, it seems I am incapable of doing anything but steering off-topic topics even more off-topic from the original topic.

  5. Team rocket would oppose ash´s death.

    according to movie 2: If they let something fatal happen to him they animators would leave them

    out of a job XD

    Also I believe he becomes immortal in movie 9..... well more like super saiyan.

    but the idiot instead of doing something badass. like fire beams he just chases the villian over the sea.



    In the same sentence?

  6. If you could be one pokemon in the whole game series, which one would you be?

    PS: Vypor I know your Del Lateon. [Waits patiently for post]

    A reputation, I has one.


    But no actually. not Del Lateon. As he is simply the result of my crossoverish mind creating a crossover.

    What I WOULD be would be regular Lateon.


    Unless TRON Legacy crossovers are your thing.


  7. I think they should just let him die fer once.... hes been burned, struck by lightning, TURNED TO STONE! and other things, yet he keeps making recoveries.... what teh frak!?

    Dear Arceus:

    Please rid us of this eternally 10-year-old monstrosity named Ash.



  8. nah... almost always the only piece of evidence of ash being on the scene is always destroyed

    along with around half of the town.

    might be a conspiracy from prof. Oak though


  9. yeah the other ones were *ugh* so nauseatingly cute....

    halfway through one the cuteness was so much for me to bear I had to stop looking at it

    (I'm looking at you Pokemon movie 9!!!)

    and play resident evil to regain my common gory sense

    while we get all the americanized pokemon in japan viewers can get to see a much more

    mature anime, featuring uncensored character deaths, and blood.

    (the pikachu vs pinceer scene, things got interesting when pinceer spammed guilliotine)

    on a sidenote with the movies:

    seriously... ash appears on almost ANY prophecy on ANY movie

    did his mom like, did it with every important men in the world or something?

    Here's something I don't get.

    You would think that by now, Ash would have been executed or shunned by modern society by now, because EVERY TIME he shows up somewhere, some cataclysmic occurrence mysteriously happens.

    Either he is...

    A: Terrorist.

    Or B: REALLY bad juju.

    You'd think it would be like, people going about their normal lives. "OH GOD! ASH IS HERE! GET RID OF HIM BEFORE SOMETHING BAD HAPPENS!"

  10. Well remember when Brock decided to leave ash, and go "work" for proffessor Ivy?

    later in some episodes he returns and when ash asks him why did he leave Ivy he goes

    all "emo" and says he doesn't wanna talk about it.

    kinda makes you wander what Ivy and her aides did to him XD

    still I don't know which is more disturbing....

    a) that a disguised latias with a bad hairdo is in love with ash

    B) whatever the $@&% happened with brock while working for Ivy.

    or a 3rd one....

    c) if Del Lateon existed in the pokemon series XD

    There are only 3 movies from Pokemon I will stand to watch despite the atrocious human characters that I hate with every fiber of my being.

    The first movie: Because Mewtwo kicks butt, and he kills Ash.

    The second Mewtwo movie: Because Mewtwo STILL kicks butt.

    And the 5th movie: Because Latias and Latios are just that awesome.

    Also, if Del Lateon was in the Pokemon world, things would change.

  11. It came true! You start blowing bubbles; however, you start beating the crap out of yourself.

    I wish I was as epic as the smiley emotes.

    And then, you were. But everybody keeps calling you fail because you're the only one who actually likes them.

    I wish that I wouldn't get so bored so quickly.

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