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  1. i cant wait, i just hope i dont crap my pants when i see its on.
  2. Ok, so the server has been down for like 20 hours now, if u have a MySQL and ur working on it then it shouldnt be down, you should be able to take it down install what u were working on and get it back up in a few min? or u just not always watching the server? can u have someone check on it ever few hours or something? need a way someone u trust can connect to u and restart the server. What are the drop rates exaclty? like 50% normal? are they the same drops as they should or changed? can i go to www.pso-world.com and use their database to lookup items i want to farm? (which mob drops/rate) some pple can attack with melee weapons from a distance (dragon in caves fly off they still attack it) lag? some pple revive alot, i seen one guy die like 4 times and all 4 times he rezed by himself, alot of scapedolls? lol i wouldnt be wasting scapedolls on normal mode at all, ild save them for ultamate mode, really the only time i die is when i look at my hp and see i have 80 hp and mobs deal 50 dmg and i think i can take another hit so i wait b4 i heal and they crit which happes quite a bit in veryhard mode they crit about 1/4 of the time.... not on this server that i know of that was GC. im only like lvl20 so far. i hope server doesnt go down for 20 hours alot that would xplain y not as many pple as schtatack or whatever it is. -usted puede traducir otras idiomas a otra opinión como inglés-español yendo a www.bablefish.yahoo.com
  3. ah, thats ok, heck its alot better than not being able to play pso at all? and yea, it worked. and thx.
  4. I cannot create an account on the main site, when i complete it, the screen loads and at top it says cant connect to MySQL, server problems? i tried with firefox and internet explorer.
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