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Posts posted by jdhenry124

  1. On 12/17/2018 at 4:00 PM, RocketTots said:

    Luck Material x9

    Also these

    On 12/17/2018 at 4:00 PM, RocketTots said:

    Blue-Black Stone x17

    I need one of these too but it depends how much you're charging cause I may not have enough

    On 12/17/2018 at 4:00 PM, RocketTots said:

    Glide Divine v.00 [35/0/0/30|0]

    And this.


    Pm me my total and I'll be online after I get back from dinner. Thanks!

  2. 6 hours ago, RestrictedWings said:

    V501 2 PD

    This is worth 5pds (edit: yeah I misread this as a 502)

    6 hours ago, RestrictedWings said:

    Yasminkov 9000M +10 10/0/0/0/0 5 PD

    This is worth more than 5pds

    6 hours ago, RestrictedWings said:



    These are worth 5pds

    6 hours ago, RestrictedWings said:

    Monogrinder X22 1 PD for 5

    Digrinder x3 2 PD for all 3

    Trigrinder x4 1 PD Each

    Mind Material X19 1 PD for 2

    Evade Material X20 1 PD for 2

    Def Material X 21 1 PD for 2

    Grinders are usually worth 20 to 1 pd, mats worth 5 to 1 pd, and mag cells for 1 pd each.


    Good stuff here, good luck! Hope this helps

    • Like 1
  3. 16 minutes ago, GammaV.2 said:

    I am looking for high single target dps/ rifle range weapons w/ dark %. I have 23 pds and a good variety of stat mats to barter with. I don't need any other %'s just dark.

    I have some SSs, PM me and we can work something out

  4. 23 minutes ago, wade1212 said:

    Learn to read then u can get cent arms. 

    Your post doesn't make any sense my man. It says "half off" but then the very first line states that these items are only for trade, not purchase. So how exactly do you calculate the "half off"? Then the next (and seperate) line says "PDs, PTs, PS, DTs" which again, doesn't make sense since DTs don't exist on Ephinea, and even if they did, what's the transfer rate from one server to the other and how is "half off" calculated? Also if it's PDs and PS on other servers you're looking for why wouldn't you write it as one sentence or statement?

    You just made a post where you info dumped a bunch of gear without any prices or specific items you're looking for, you even included difuids and trifluids. So maybe just elaborate when people ask for clarification instead of being unnecessarily obtuse.

  5. 16 hours ago, GrimNoiR said:

    Vulcan [0/0/0/50|45] [Charge]  6pd


    16 hours ago, GrimNoiR said:

    Ignition Cloak [DEF: 2/EVP: 1] [Slots: 0]  5pd

    I'll take these. Thanks!

    I'll be online later tonight. I'll PM you when I can trade

    • Like 1
  6. 6 hours ago, Lelb said:

    b>Halo Rappy Soul (lots of them)

    pm me with offer & qty -- ty!

    EDIT: +"lots of them"

    These drop fairly easily in the next event which should start around 2 weeks from now. If you can wait 2 weeks you'll save yourself a lot of pds/dts

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