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Posts posted by herger

  1. lol if only. If i did then this project would be a piece of cake. I do need to find some software developers though. That would make this much easier. I know a few, but they don't even know what pso is =/

  2. wwell I already planned on starting off by doing sketches and such. And I've already been brainstorming. Also, thinking about new enemies, bosses, and lvls. But I planned on starting off small. I was going to start making alterations to the current lvls and start by making new quests. Then start modeling the new enemies and bosses. But In all honesty I have no idea how far this project will go. I have some personal friends that are in collage and have graduated collage in game design. But if I can't get them to help I'm pretty much not getting the project off the ground

  3. Not for sure if this post should go here or not, but move it if it shouldnt be. But now to the point.

    For the longest time I've always wanted to have another episode to posbb. Well now I've decided to take a little initiative and started doing research on psobb. And it all boils down to this, I wanna start a team of people who can help me make a new episode to pso. I wanna start off small, real small, But I really have a feeling it could take off like a rocket. I'm an x halo 2 xbox modder so I have a little knowledge in modding and such. I also have connections to other people that are good with game development as well.So if anyone is willing to help me with this project that would be really nice. Weather it actually gets anywhere or not, it'l still be fun trying to get it to work.

    If anyone wants details on the ideas I have in store just let me know.

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