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Posts posted by Hlinwyrd

  1. Thank y'all very much for the replies. Super appreciate helping to figure out my issue.

    It's neither of those issues (scrolling and typing). I had IME off and all that jazz. I have even re-installed the game a couple times to try an alleviate this issue.

     I do not have my controller plugged in ALTHOUGH I could use it because it is recognized by the game. I can type in the game, use the keyboard for actions, etc. Perfectly fine.
    I can play the game and it runs very well.
    I had to sign-onto the client through another PC (my room mate's) and create a character, to even get past the problem.

    It's on the screen where you choose your class. The game will not allow me to select a class/character on that screen on this PC. But I CAN choose on the Select Your Character ( the one you've already made/created screen) and play the game.

    I just got home from work; I'm about to post a picture attachment to this post to refer to which screen I'm talking about that I cannot advance past.


    In the picture I have included in this post is the screen on my PC that I cannot advance past. I can browse through the classes and look at them but I cannot select one. I hit every key for confirmation and yet still get no results. As mentioned previously, I had to use another PC to create a character for my account and continue playing.

  2. I don't get any message or error on the screen. When I get to the screen for choosing a Class/Race; it will let me browse through each one (HU,RA,FO), but i can't go past it. I'll try taking a video or something of it.

  3. Hello all, how's it goin'?

    I'm fairly new to PSOUltima and just got all signed up and ready to go.
    I get as far as the Character Creation screen (HU,RA,FO) to choose my class and it won't go any further. My keyboard/mouse work fine, it reads the inputs to select whichever class/race I want to browse, but it won't let me go beyond that. It seems everything else is running ok and I haven't seen anything similar in some of the forum help sections. Not sure where to go from here.
    Thanks for taking the time to read.


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