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Everything posted by EasyModeNub

  1. That sounds awesome. I hope he savored the experience.
  2. There is the temptation, just for lulz.
  3. Legendary is the best possible way to describe it. I don't remember any setup aside from having a mic plugged in, and it worked seamlessly in every game. My only complaint is that I don't remember a way to mute people.
  4. Hello All, I've been on the server for a little while (1 month+), but just decided to do this. I watched people play PSO on GC with pure envy dripping from every pore until I was able to lose my social life to the Xbox version. A friend informed of the existence of this server and I started later the same week. If you've ever run into another EasyModeNub on another forum or game, chance are it was me. My other hobbies include gaming (of course), reading, movies, music (festivals and such), some TV and anime (very picky), and my hairless cat.
  5. Do you still have 2 of the 30 hit Charge Vulcans, 2 50 hit Charge Rayguns, the 30 hit Hell Vulcan, and the Standstill Shield?
  6. I know I've got 7 days left but...... 58 dts! The price marches on!
  7. 54 dts Muahahahaha. The price increase cannot be stopped!
  8. *Just post here and then PM me your offer/asking price on anything.* BUYING Safety Heart PoST SELLING Weapons Red Saber 25/0/0/0/30 Ophelie Sieze 0/35/0/20/25 Master Raven 50/40/0/0 Armor Rose 0/0/0/25/25 Frames Dress Plate - 5pd Smoking Plate DF Field Sacred Cloth Guard Wave Congeal Cloak Shields Secure Feet - 1pd Genpei - 7pd Striker Plus - 1pd Yata Mirror - 1pd Red Ring (min) x2 - 10dt each Units Cure/Confuse -1 pd Cure/Shock x 11 - 1pd each v801 x4 - 1pd each v501 -1pd
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