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Posts posted by Echoes

  1. Eyeshield 21. Classic Sports Anime about this kid who's always been running errands for bully's. Because of his constant running , he has developed legs with the speed of light and gets annexed into his school's football team. lots of action in this and it can be pretty funny at times.

    Tokyo Ravens. Fantasy/Magic/Romance. Guy who is born from a prestigious ommyo family but has no spiritual powers but he becomes badass much later on.Not much to say about this one really

    All I got for now

  2. Welcome!

    Spirit Needle S-rank

    Psycho Raven 0/0/0/50 (Reserved)

    Diska of Bravemen 25 hit

    Charge Arms 55 Hit

    FlapJack Flapper 40 Hit


    Crazy Tune 45 Hit

    Daisy Chain

    Rainbow Baton 50/0/50/0/30

    Demolition Comet 50 hit

    Heaven Striker 10/0/0/25/30

    Yasminkov 9000M Charge 30 Hit (Reserved)

    Baranz Launcher No hit

    Last Swan

    Magic Stone Iritista x8

    Kroes Sweater 4 Slot

    Three Seals

    Aura Field 4 slot

    Black Hound Curiass 4 slot

    Safety Hear


    S-Rank Zalure Gun (Handgun)

    S-Rank J Cutter Arrest

    50h Hell Raygun


    Excalibur 35+ Hit (Native/Abeast Preferred)

    Charge Vulcan 55 Hit +

    Donation Tickets

    Good offer

    • Like 1
  3. Thank you for posting ^^ Would you ever swtich out the Blue Odoshi for a Wedding Dress or Sonic Team Armor if you had one?

    Thank you for posting ^^ Would you ever swtich out the Blue Odoshi for a Wedding Dress or Sonic Team Armor if you had one?

    Well , considering as how BOVN has built in 40% attack speed , I'd probably wouldn't switch them out if I had any of the two. If I had centurion battle however , I would :).

  4. HUcast Tweek Lv 197

    Diska of Bravemen 45 Hit

    Arrest Raygun 30 hit

    Hell Raygun 30 hit

    Charge Raygun 50 hit

    Charge Diska 50 hit

    Dark Flow 0/60/0/100/50

    Psycho Ravens 0/0/0/50

    S-red Blades

    Soul Scythe (Zalure)

    Lavis Blades

    Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou - 4 Slots




    -Centurion Ability

    Red Ring (Min Stat)


    Sato 5/150/45/0

    Mat Plan

    135 Power Materials

    15 Luck Materials

    Max out atp/ata/lck at 196 (could be done earlier with a little bit more planning)

    • Like 1
  5. You seem to be missing the point Kom or you just misunderstood. I have some main points to raise from my suggestion. First would be self sufficiency. If anything, people need to learn how to get shit done on their own , not lobby spam to get people to join. Solo quests make it easier for people to achieve on their own. When you say quests are meant to be done as a team , you can solo pretty much every quest with the exception being RoW , DMD , and perhaps ROCT. You would be surprised what people could do in solo mode. Most notably is TA.(You could YouTube solo TA videos for better reference.) Proof that very little quests require team play for completion. Another thing you are not considering is player skill. I face palm when I get a RA tech abusing fo in my runs causing unneeded DMC. The irony is that with players like that , it would take longer in multi than you would solo at least more than half the time. Not a lot of players here got speed running skills or proper playing. Aside from that , there is a subliminal difference in enemy stats solo-multi mode from vhard to normal. If people wanted to level , they would go to crack mode and do as they please , but when they reach Ultimate , shit hits the fan due to low level and insufficient gear. This means solo mode should be utilized mainly in Ultimate. There are other quests aside from TTF and RT. Those two quests in terms of difficulty are a complete joke. I'm talking more varied quests such as the max attack series. The quests require more skill to complete in a short time frame and some classes are not actually able to complete it in multi mode alone. PTS and DMD are extremely difficult quests when your soloing. Even with endgame gear , it isn't as easy as you think. Good gear and level does not mean easy questing, there is a ability factor. People are not just gonna suddenly join the solo bandwagon and forget team play all together. You could probably lump solo'ers into a player demographic here , with them being the minority and the minority can not affect the majority in any form. tldr , there will always be people who want to play with others but for those who prefer to go lone wolf , why not give them the environment to do so? Little something for everyone no?

    P.S- I wrote this in a rush so tread lightly :) and take with a grain of salt

  6. Wants

    S rank j. Cutter arrest
    Cent Battle
    Psycho Raven
    60+ hit charge diska
    60+ hit charge vulcan
    Wedding dress non min
    Twin Blaze
    Yas9000m 40 hit + charge.
    Any good hu weapons (no tjs)

    Happy buying.

    Still selling this until said otherwise.

  7. Put Multi Mode quests into solo. There is virtually no downside to this.This server already has a booming population and besides, most of the rooms you would generally see in game are either locked or 1 player.By having quests easier to solo for one person , it can encourage things such as hunting and leveling. Instead of having people begging for assistance in runs , they can do it themselves in solo mode.

    Another suggestion is give Last Swan a spirit special to counter Psycho Raven's ATP. Granted it may not be as strong but its a step forward for females.

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