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Posts posted by Kuchi

  1. 4 minutes ago, Soly said:

    But that's the opposite of what he said, he said " I actually don't like that it's segregated in such a way "... unless I misunderstood.

    Sorry, you're right, I didn't express myself clearly. What I meant was that I actually think globalizing might lead to segregation, but look I could be totally wrong. I overthink things and that's when I make needless mistakes. I know I am overthinking right now and it's annoying even for me xD Go ahead with the transformation. If necessary you could make some kind of test run like a temporary implementation of the new forum for a few days even without its full development and see how it goes :)

  2. I totally agree with a 'simpler' forum design, don't get me wrong. Easier interface usage, quicker access to information, elegance and softness to the eye. Softer on you guys aswell, I hope. But i'll quote what Triple R said about 'segregation' - that's the exact word to describe what I fear might happen. Everything else is just minor details which I could go on about. (i.e I know a lot of English native speakers who would feel a little bit annoyed by the fact random people came in and started spamming Spanish under their thread, or under an event-related thread). More exposure calls for more tolerance. I'm also pretty sure that even with a global cmode or other group activity topic for gathering players, 95% of spanish peeps will still prefer partying up with spanish players. It avoids awkward moments when someone asks 'hey do you guys want this pd that just dropped?' and the other 3 spanish ppl in the party don't reply. Or things get hairy.

  3. Being an 'international' myself, I had to weigh the scales based on 2 things... past experience, and my own preferences. I'll elaborate:

    - From my past observations on other servers and forums, if spanish speakers don't have their own place on the forums and/or no support from spanish speaking GM's (and let me add that they do tend to ask for a LOT of babysitting), they feel like they're helpless and they leave to one of the many other games out there that have spanish staff/support/forums. Honestly, brazillians are less 'spoiled' about having everything translated to their language because that's quite new, and they never had problems before, so they know they'll manage and they'll STAY with or without translations. Never mind the actual portuguese people from Portugal like myself: we speak other languages including English and Spanish fluently so it doesn't really matter what language the forum is written on :P

    - I personally like to keep things simple. If the current forum works, it works and doesn't need to be changed. If the new version brings new issues to the table and actually becomes a nuisance, just restore the 'old' version.

    Thank you for this poll, Larva & Soly. It shows how you guys strive to make things better and want our opinions on major decisions :)

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