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Posts posted by Ziedrich

  1. I think you took the picture and posted it without thinking.  I think you were scrambling to make a post, so you took a pic and just pasted whatever pic you took without thinking about it.  Yes if you wanted to fool us, hiding cheat engine and the ip changer would have been a good idea.  But i think that you were trying to fool us with your first post 

    5 hours ago, Dante Jr Enriquez Ferrer said:

    Hi, I'm a psobb server player.
    I want to offer an apology for being annoyed at a colleague. I do not want to be excluded from the game. I like it very much and I would like to keep playing it.
    I apologize to the server for my discomfort and if they allow me to continue playing I will not cause any problems again
    Sorry i will not pass

    In this post it seems like you're blaming "being annoyed at a colleague.", which seems like how you were trying to fool us.  But like i said, @Soly is looking into it and what he decides to do is up to him.  Having seen these types of posts many times before, I recommend just admiring to all the cheats you used and just asking for a second chance (assuming this is your first time, your account is 4-5 years old).  I think people are just finding it hard to believe that you wouldn't know that cheating in a game was against the rules of pretty much every game.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Dante Jr Enriquez Ferrer said:

    Because for the only thing I used was to move a little faster and take away the slow never to steal

    No one is accusing you of "stealing", they're accusing you of "cheating". Being able to move that much more quickly compared to everyone else gives you a tremendous advantage over other players and compromises the "fairness" of the game.  Also given that you have both cheat engine and an ip changer, that gives reason to suspect you are using cheat engine to give you more advantages and using ip changer to evade any ip bans.  Either way its being looked into by @Soly and will be dealt with.

  3. Just now, Dante Jr Enriquez Ferrer said:

    Not eeh used to steal only use it to move me better but I did not think it would affect those who walk with me and if I was stealing it will be noticed in my items and as always they will see me only use a summit moon red merch and a chicken of mag :unsure:

    Your forum account is like 5 years old... I think what people are saying is there is no way you thought "cheat engine" was for anything but cheating.  

  4. 19 minutes ago, Misombre said:

    Who is talking about Psycho Bridge ? You're being off topic :|

    Also I was not denying Force usefulness or versatility. But this is also another story.

    Dark Bridge and Psycho bridge are two sides of the same weapon.

    3 hours ago, Fyrewolf5 said:

    The reason Psycho Bridge was made was to make something to fill the role of attack techs for forces in solo play, and make using PGF for a force weapon more worthwhile; also Dark Bridge has been boosted on Ultima too actually.

    Even so, Dark Bridge is a lot better than people give it credit for. If you are playing an actually good force, then its three boosts are some of the best; it has zalure range, megid pierce, and grants boost, which are arguably the 3 best boosts you could have in team play. Additionally, it reduces tech costs by -50% like a pwand/pbridge, but it takes less hp cost than those (only takes 50% of the tp cost from hp instead of 100%). It also has berserk special on it. It has been significantly boosted from vanilla already. Psycho Bridge may be the best weapon for a force to solo clear areas, but Dark Bridge is actually one of the best weapons for a team oriented force. The reason people don't use it is because A: they are a bad force that doesn't understand how to teamplay or how good DB is for it, and just wants to spam explosion spells all the time, B: it's ugly, and C: random paralysis freeze confusion is annoying and scary.


    24 minutes ago, Fyrewolf5 said:

    And psycho bridge is not OP? Being able to clear an entire room with huge aoe, hit way more targets than flow or meteor gauranteed with no misses, and stunlock them until death in only four spellcasts is not enough? If magic gets overbuffed, then it literally breaks the game through its inherent design. There are already places where a solo fo can be stronger than a solo hu/ra using flow/meteor, and other force weapons can also be nearly as strong as them in other situations. Force can be one of the strongest, most versatile, and also safest classes when played correctly. An actually good geared Force can deal with literally anything you throw at it without breaking a sweat. Dark Bridge and Psycho Bridge are already strong enough.

    This is what saith saith said about DB and PB.  Making both is like making a DM or DF set.  As a FO "main" myself ( as a dmc-er myself ), the FO class is inherently over powered because it doesn't miss, stun locks and you can just sit in a doorway and spam until everything is dead ( in most cases ).  Both weapons are appropriately balanced ( within reason ) for the FO class as well as complimenting each other for "situation use".

  5. 18 hours ago, Cyane said:

    hoi i'm not dead yet! Just have life issues going on + health going messy :/
    Let's not scare peoples!

    Wish you all an happy year and a belated happy holidays !


  6. 5 minutes ago, Cyane said:

    hoi i'm not dead yet! Just have life issues going on + health going messy :/
    Let's not scare peoples!

    Wish you all an happy year and a belated happy holidays !


    • Like 3


    vh Ragol Dragon Syringe

    vh De Rol Le Chameleon Scythe

    vh Vol Opt Blue Ring

    vh Dark Falz Daisy Chain

    vh Barba Ray Stag Cutlery

    vh Gol Dragon Murasame 

    vh Gal Gryphon Harisan Fan

    vh Kondy Toy Hammer

    vh Shamby Heavenly/Ability

    vh Saint Million Heavenly/Ability

    ult Barba Ray Crazy Tune

    ult Gol Dragon Earth Wand Brownie

    ult Gal Gryphon Heart of Morolian

    ult Kondy Girasole

    ult Dorphon Eclair New Years Card


    vh De Rol Le Chameleon Scythe
    vh Dark Falz Daisy chain
    ult Dal Ral Lie Honeycomb Reflector
    ult Vol Opt V.2 New Year Card
    ult Dark Falz DF Shield
    ult Barba Ray New Year Card 
    ult Gal Gryphon Heart of Morolian
    ult Olga Flow PGF

    vh De Rol Le Broom

    vh Barba Ray Amatie's Memo

    ult Dal Ral Lie Honeycomb Reflector

    ult Dark Falz Df Shield

    ult Barba Ray L&K38 Combat

    ult Gol Dragon Earth Wand Brownie

    ult Gal Gryphon Tablet

    ult Olga Flow PGF

        - ult Ill Gill Kroe's Sweater 



    vh De Rol Le Broom

    vh Vol Opt Resta Merge

    vh Barba Ray Amatite's Memo

    ult Dark Falz New Years Card

    ult Barba Ray Crazy Tune

    ult Gol Dragon Earth Wand Brownie

    ult Gal Gryphon Tablet 

    ult Olga Flow PGF



    vh Barba Ray Yamato

    ult Barba Ray Phonon Maser

    ult Gol Dragon Earth Wand Brownie

    ult Gal Gryphon Heart of Morolian



    vh De Rol Le Broom

    vh Vol Opt GIzonde Merge

    vh Dark Falz Daisy Chain

    vh Barba Ray Amatie's Memo

    vh Kondy Kunai

    vh Shamby Tension Blaster

    ult Vol Opt v.2 Kroe's Sweater 

    ult Barba Ray L&K 38 Combat

    ult Gol Dragon Earth Wand Brownie

    ult Gal Gryphon Tablet

    ult Olga Flow PGF



    vh Ragol Dragon Green Ring

    vh De Rol Le Broom

    vh Dark Falz Daisy Chain

    ult Vol Opt V.2 Asteron Belt

    ult Barba Ray Crazy Tune

    ult Gol Dragon Earth Wand Brownie

    ult Gal Gryphon Tablet

    ult Dorphon Eclair Cannon Rouge



    vh Vol Opt Gibarta Merge

    ult Ragol Dragon Sonic Knuckles

    ult Vol Opt V.2 Kroe's Sweater

    ult Dark Falz Df Shield

    ult Barba Ray Phonon Maser

    ult Gal Gryphon Tablet



    vh Ragol Dragon Green Ring

    vh De Rol Le Broom

    vh Vol Opt Razonde Merge

    vh Kondy Kunai

    vh Saint Million Rambling May

    vh Shamby Tension Blaster

    ult Dark Falz DF Shield

    ult Barba Ray Phonon Maser

    ult Gol Dragon Earth Wand Brownie

    ult Gal Gryphon Heart of Morolian

    ult Kondy Girasole

    ult Dorphon Eclair New Years Card



    vh Ragol Dragon Syringe

    vh Vol Opt Red Merge

    ult Barba Ray Crazy Tune

    ult Dorphon Eclair Valkyrie 




    • Like 9
  8. Just now, Soly said:

    What do you mean with 7 more recently used?

    I just meant adding an extra row of emotes to the "Emotes I've used recently" category.  Its no big deal, just would be a bit more convenient since there are more available emotes to look through.

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