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Posts posted by Toker509

  1. Hello!

    I have a quick question, I like to display what game i am playing in steam, but in order to that i have to start the game directly from steam. If i add the launcher in steam it only shows that i am playing for a few seconds in steam. But if i add psobw.exe to steam and start that directly from steam it always shows i am playing PSOBB which is what i want. Now my question is: is the launcher required in order to save the game or anything else like that? Do i always have to use the launcher? I just want to know so i don't break my game or save file. Thanks for any help!

  2. Hello!

    I have a quick question, I like to display what game i am playing in steam, but in order to that i have to start the game directly from steam. If i add the launcher in steam it only shows that i am playing for a few seconds in steam. But if i add psobw.exe to steam and start that directly from steam it always shows i am playing PSOBB which is what i want. Now my question is: is the launcher required in order to save the game or anything else like that? Do i always have to use the launcher? I just want to know so i don't break my game or save file. Thanks for any help! :)

  3. estas abriendo el juego con el launcher? o con el exe? El .exe que debes usar se llama PsOBw.exe pero es mejor usar el launcher. El launcher se llama online.exe y esta en el mismo carpeta de PsOBW.exe.

    aqui esta el installer que debes usar para instalar el juego, si no lo estas usando, por favor use lo proque es el modo mas facil.


    Me puedes dar mas informacion de tu computadora? Cual tarjeta graphica estas usando? asegurese que los drivers de la tarjeta esten instalados correctamente.

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