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Posts posted by strider4102

  1. I have a few suggestions (thread is tl;dr, if some of these ideas have already been posted, consider the reposting of them a hint that they probably are good ideas!):

    - Give mats, grinders, and disks a different box color when they drop so it's easier to see what's worth grabbing when there's a ton of loot on the floor (yellow? purple? this would come in handy in WoF, where rooms full of loot are common.)

    - Add the slot count to the item preview window that pops up when standing next to an armor (Something like 'Frame +4' for a 4 slot frame would work)

    - Demote very low tier rares to blue/orange boxes (Ooh! What's in that red box that enemy droped? Oh, it's diska of liberator https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ytCEuuW2_A)

    - Modernize the item name colors (what is now yellow would become either blue or purple (or stay yellow for banner worthy rares) depending on how good said item is). This will help new players figure out how good that diska of liberator they just picked up is.

    - Per-client drops like PSO2 (this will give ranged classes a decent chance to actually get good rares in public games)

    - More quest chains with useful guaranteed reward items (similar to the current quest chains for Soul Eater and Rambling May)

    - Add a quest chain to unlock all items (except for the rare things like scapes, grinders [come to think of it I haven't seen this on Ultima, was it removed?], and star atomizers) in the item shop (never get trolled again when desperately searching for those elusive Sol Atomizers to feed your mag)

    - A public trade log (identifying info removed) would be very helpful in figuring out what things are actually worth on this server since very few threads actually show a price anywhere. Not needed if the player shop is implemented

    - Make junk rares useful by giving them other functions:

    1) Feed junk rares to mags. 1 full level of a stat per rare fed, HU weapons give power, RA weapons give dex, FO weapons give mind, Units give def

    2) Allow multiple weapons of the same type to be combined into one with slightly higher stats (up to that weapon's max base stats) or more percents. Or maybe it will increase the grind cap by 1 (limit it obviously, I can only imagine how broken a diska of liberator +9000 would be) and reset the grind to 0.

    3) Since combining wouldn't be terribly useful on force weapons, give force weapons a use command (similar to Glide, but without the 10 minute requirement) that destroys the weapon for a very powerful attack (something like a flat 2x the user's MST to all enemies within about 5-10 meters of the player) or high (at least 20) level S&D to the user (so CASTs can use S&D to an extent)

    - A checkbox in the launcher to hide those cyan lines on the menu so menu mods look nicer.

    - Mag feed bag. Players put items into the feed bag in the order they want to feed to the mag, and the mag will automatically eat from the bag when it gets hungry. To prevent players from using this as extra trifluid storage, items can only be deleted, not retrieved, from the feed bag. Players are also responsible to make sure they don't overfeed and miss evolutions.

    - Quests with crowd objectives (like the Maximum Attack quests on SEGA's servers)

    - Smaller PvP maps (the current ones are WAY too big! 4-6 rooms (not counting starting rooms) should be about right)

    - PSU/PSO2 style in-game player shops to make trading easier (since both players don't need to be online at the same time).

    - Allow players to mail items to eachother

  2. 2 Available

    0/0/0/0 | 0


    Any FOrce can use it, regardless of gender!

    Doubles Shifta + Deband range (your party will love you!)

    +55 MST boost

    Paralyzes things (Arrest special)

    Adorable attack sound


    695 MST required to equip

    Only FOrces may equip it

    Reply or PM me if interested

  3. Fixing it could get complicated, the mag has been evolved to Sato and transferred to character slot 1 (she is the end user of this mag and won't need to transfer it again) since I originally posted. Again, not a huge deal, 3 levels is well within a FOmarl's wiggle room for max stats

  4. Decided to just roll with it, 3 levels off from the final build goal isn't the end of the world. For future reference, are there any known work arounds to prevent the common bank from messing with mags?

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