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Everything posted by nunnbt473

  1. I see a lot of people in the ShoutBox having issues, so I thought I'd write a quick guide to help the average joe try and get connected. Dont use capital letters in your username/password if at all possible. The game doesn't like it. (Though the website should automatically convert it to lower case for you I am told) Crack Mode doesnt work, so forget about that. Alt+Tab and full screen dont mix. Either use windowed / widescreen mode or http://westechsolutions.net/sites/WindowedBorderlessGaming/download Connecting / Internet issues Now for the graphical side. Settings Other Sound A Last Resort
  2. When doing a TTF run if one of you is half right, one of you is far right and one is FARRRRR left. How am I supposed to heal / revive all of you. Especially when you're a 1 shot. STAY IN ONE PLACE. AHHHH *Pulls out hair* This has been a non-test of your force's limits. You may now resume your chaotically unscheduled hack, slash and zap.
  3. 1. The above is not solely based upon your post. 2. Info from 2 years ago may or may not be relavent. I havnt been on this server/game very long, but I have played dozens if not hundreds of others. Most seasonal events are just some guy flicking a switch to copy a previous year and making a mod or two as they go. How about some details, which piece(s) is wrong? 3. Ok last year did not have..etc. This year it might.. (or might not). Can you confirm or deny either way? 4.1 Wtf are you even talking about. If you're referring to my post in general, it was suggested I move it to event. Which I did. 4.2 If thats not what you referring to, you have my thread mixed up with someone elses, because thats the only other thread I've made (related to seasonal events anyway). 4.3 Yes I know there is a big giant long thread about this, I referenced it. I cherry picked the information and made a separate thread for a very particular reason. So players dont have to read 12+ pages of threads to find something that ought to take 10 seconds to pick out. Gratia / girtablulu references removed. Can anyone else confirm/deny soul booster?
  4. http://www.phantasystaronline.net/forum/index.php/topic/12414-ultima-summer-event-2014/page-1 http://www.phantasystaronline.net/forum/index.php/topic/22788-ultima-summer-event-2015/ The follow has been made up from posts on the above link. If players post information below as they find it, I'll try to update the main post as it goes. As a noob I have no idea what half of this means, its mostly just a copy/paste quick reference. Information initially combined from data over the last 2 years (which differ somewhat). So as you get me right, I'll get it right. Take the 'drop rates' with a grain of salt. Epsilon, drops item 1/3d of the time. *3 for accurate drop rates. Epsilon + pinkal = bad?? Epilson + blue = good?? Cent/battle: (C\ B ) Falz Purple 1/102 Falz White 1/102 Epsilon Skyly 1/102 Kondriu Oran 1/205 Girtabuble Yellowboze 1/73 Psycho Black Crystal (PBC): Morfos Redria 1/73 Ultimate Morfos Bluefall 1/73 Morfos yellow 1/73 Blood Sword: Saint million Pink 1/9 Saint million Purple 1/9 Ultimate Trap/search: Garanz Viridia 7/32 Ultimate Garanz Greenhill 7/32 Baranz Soul Booster: Gibbles Redria Gibbles Viridia Ultimate Gibbles Oran Zanbeacon: Hildebear Viridia Very Hard FOREST Very Hard FOREST Skyly Ult (Good drop rates)
  5. You're probably right. Oops.. Move me over? =D
  6. I dont suppose anyone has a list (or could help make one here) of what items are dropping in the event, for what IDs and what areas?
  7. Eventually I'll try to add Xpadder to the list and any others I come across given enough time. Infact, I'm curious now what other programs people are using.
  8. Ive got the technical of it all figured out, I just can't figure out right now what would be the most effective play/controller style. OK. I have three semi-default configurations based on a standard 360 controller. *Thinks*, for those inquiring minds who want to know, if you choose a 360 controller for PC gaming I highly recommend a wired one. PCs/Games have a tendency to not like the wireless version. Other controllers should be compatible, but as I dont have any on hand to test with/setup, I cannot confirm which do and which don't. My current setups: I tried to keep things like right bumper as the ctrl/toggle and X/A/B the same as the left/down/right to avoid confusion. Compatible, works great (as much as it can, not accounting for chat) while in the ship and in menus. Easy to scroll up/down..etc. Standard. Gives more buttons than compatible for combat scenarios. However, still keeps the dpad up/down intact for menu rotation. Combat. Basically it only walks while in the ship, but once you get into the 'game', you have aprox 17 buttons for spells/skills. (Basically all of what is on your keyboard) Multi. Still in the design phase, I am trying to set it up the left bumper to rotate between compatible and combat. It started to feel like a hammer to the skull, hence why I decided to let you guys decide what is the most ideal configuration. There are also other programs like Xpadder and Joy to Key that do extremely similar functions, this particular program just happens to be what I am most familiar with and find to be (mostly) user friendly. What I need from you (the community) are ideas for controller setups. Think in terms of applying any existing keyboard command to any controller button. Infact, even think in 3D!!! I can assign a button (such as the 360 symbol or the left bumper) to rotate between schemes. Which means you could have 2 (or more) controller configs. The first left trigger = keyboard button 1, right trigger = 2. Tap bumper and now left trigger = 3, right trigger = 4. Available keys on a standard 360 controller. X (left), A (down), B (right), Y (up), start, select, Xbox symbol, bumper left, bumper right, trigger left, trigger right, joystick left (clicks down of course), joystick right, dpad up/down/left/right. PGP also has a lovely feature where it will show me a visual of the layout once I am done without all the other controls in the way for easy previewing. So if I get say 25 designs, itll be easy to flip through some pictures so people can figure out what controller setup they want. http://s16.postimg.org/9afl4zk0l/PSOBB_360_Controller.png LET THE DESIGNS BEGIN!
  9. I'd like to request this topic be pinned/sticky. So far this is the best means I have found of fully unlocking the controller keys to give you access to any combination. It takes a 360 controller (or theoretically any other controller) and sends keyboard commands through the buttons pressed. Ergo the Xbox 360 symbol could be mapped to keyboard button zero, which you have telepipe set to. Ergo your home button is now your teleport home button. However, there are a few drawbacks. 1. PGP (Pinnacle Game Profiler) has a 20-day free trial, the full version costs $20 for a lifetime license. I'm sure that wont bother the more nefarious of the games though. 2. This is a 'combat design'. By that I mean, obviously you won't be able to do things like carry on a full conversation with the keyboard. It also has minimal functionality when in the ship. You can walk, however scrolling up/down menus will not be easy, if at all possible with the default configuration I've provided. However, with some tweaks I (or someone else) could probably design a setup that works while inside the ship at the cost of only a few keys in a 'combat' scenario. 3. PGP gets a little special ed sometimes and the game crashes if you open the game after PGP. Open PGP THEN the game when possible (as best I can tell anyway). Tldr; The D-pad up/down are mapped to things like keys 1 and 3 to be able to cast spells. Thus they cannot act like a traditional up/down key press for menu navigation. If I end up making a second 'all purpose' setup, or if someone donates a config file with that info, I'll modify the original post or include it in the follow post for easy reference. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The settings used were as follows for anyone who wishes to manually recreate and customize their own setup. Game profile is set to "psobb.exe". *Hook is installed. Checked: Do not start the game executable file when profile is launched **Block game from reading the controller with native support NOT checked: Launch as persistent profile Apply profile to other executable files in the same location *(From what I recall of my limited programming. A hook often intercepts keystrokes before they get to the program. And in this case, replaces them with your desired key. Do not be alarmed if your anti-virus flags something because of this). **This means that if you shutdown PGP, the game will automatically revert to using its natural controller setup. It is somewhat buggy and I had to fully shutdown PGP so that it did not automatically reactivate and override the native game controls ***VERY IMPORTANT, When assigning keyboard keys to your buttons, after doing so; Left click > Set DirectX Override > Game Read (current status) > Allow Read. It will NOT work without this over ride enabled for EACH KEY. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are two natural ways to set this up. 1. Have one Pinnacle PSOBB profile. Ergo your left trigger will ALWAYS be attached to (random example) Keyboard button 1. For each class you then just put whatever spell/skill you want in slot 1 for that left trigger. Pros: Only one PGP profile is needed Cons: If you do decide to use keyboard, things may be in an odd to reach or control situation 2. Setup all of your game characters as normal, then create a PGP profile to match that individual character. Pros: Can easily switch in/out from keyboard to controller and vice versa Cons: Takes much longer to setup http://archives.dcemulation.org/www.psobb.com/www.psobb.com/downloads/images/keyboard.gif This keyboard information should be quite useful to anyone wishing to create a custom keyboard mapping for a controller. (Files not currently attached or linked, to be added at a later date. I may try to get PGP to add them to their profile auto downloader.)
  10. AH HA SUCCESS! I managed to get it working and fully emulated the keyboard to the desired buttons on the 360 controller. It should work just as easily for any controller as well. I'll make a post in general about it.
  11. Does anyone use that program / controller? Has anyone been able to get it to work? I was able to make a reasonable mapping of the keyboard to the 360 controller (button X = 1 or left trigger = left pallete action..etc). However, I'm having issues getting it to actually input into the game. ideally I'd like it to emulator keyboard functions so that I can make more use of the buttons and in a slightly more logical way. So far Ive tried about every combination I can think of with.. both online.exe and psobb.exe Tried with and without a hook installed Launch as persistent profile Apply profile to other executable files in the same location Block game from reading native controller support I just cant seem to get it. Anyone who has experience with this would be good. Right now I am on the 20 day trial, so if its possible to get it working I'd like to figure it out before then.
  12. Is this normal for this game? That anytime I am in full screen mode and I alt+tab out that it shuts down the whole game? I ended up switching to windowed mode, but as it doesnt ideally fit the screen, Id much rather have a full screen setup. However, with the constant need to check items and look up mag feeding guides.. its not particular feasible at the moment.
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