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Aiyo Kunana

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Posts posted by Aiyo Kunana

  1. Hi all. Looking to buy an l&k38 combat or trade a v101 or an equivalent weap for it, preferably with some stats on native and a/beast.

    PM me your offer, please.

    Thanks :)


  2. 5 minutes ago, Soly said:

    You don't have to, if you didn't install x86 in the first place, it wouldn't even load and crash the game.

    Seems fine, looks like everything is on top of everything.
    Press tilde ~ or the other one ` and it should open the menu, there you can toggle the configuration windows of each addon and move the addons themselves around.

    Tried pressing ~ ` keys, nothing happened when I clicked through them. No big deal if I can't get this to work. Sorry if my issue is being such a drag.

  3. 36 minutes ago, Soly said:

    I don't know about the character reader, that was deprecated a while ago.

    The rest seem to fail to load the theme editor.
    In that case, copy the theme editor addon folder to your addons folder.

    Yes, I found out a while ago it has been updated to Item Reader. I'll see if including the theme editor with the rest of your addons would work..

  4. So I tried following the guides to installing these addons. When I launched the game with the main menu up, I noticed some [PRINT] statements (most likely for debugging purposes) for all 4 of the addons -- Character, Monster, Item and Player Reader. The statements are saying "Failed to load module directory" for each respective addon. And then a [FATAL] statement following after.

    I restarted the game. And now the Main menu itself doesn't respond at all -- nothing highlights when I hover with the pointer nor does it respond when I click on the menu items.

    Did I do something wrong with the directory setup or something completely different?'

    I'm sure there's a solution.. help please ^_^'




    2017-07-22 (1).jpg

  5. 1 hour ago, Naomi said:

    let me know what you want for it 

    just pds or the soniti mag. I'm on right now if you're available.

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