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Posts posted by Starlord

  1. Yes I used to do a lot of cmode a couple years back for fun and to get some sranks for friends. Did a lot of ep1 and ep2 even if you get srank repeat the first two stages again and you should get items from a rank and b rank which is pretty cool. Shields are rewards there

  2. Word of advice zen target the cmode crowd because two of those shields are cmode prizes for clearing it in A or B rank I believe. I think yours falls in the cmode prizes the other two you can get from Gallon Roulette by using lucky coins which you acquire from clearing phantasmal world quest.

  3. compro una dark flow cualquier stats

    Cosas que puedo ofrecer para el trade

    Cent battle

    Psycho wand

    Master sword 0/0/0/30

    Hylian shield X2

    Yasminkov 9000m 60hit charge

    Red ring min

    Ultima reaper 30hit

    Sues coat

    Zalure gun srank zalure special

    Glide divine

    esas cosas y possiblemente dts tambien depende. Espero allar a alguien que me ayude con la df muchas gracias

  4. But the server and some of the players are rejuvenated by greed :o how can we possibly establish a sort of superiority over others if everyone has the same things. The class system wasn't invented in the old days for no reason. Peasants will be peasants and Kings will be kings.

    Just messing with you all pso2 drops would be legit but just be ready for the economy to go super down. Goodbye to trades..

    • Like 3
  5. Buying Df ( I WOULD EITHER TAKE DM AT THIS MOMENT) losing hope on getting DF

    Stuff I can offer

    Cent battle

    Psycho wand

    Master sword 0/0/0/30

    Hylian shield

    Yasminkov 9000m 60hit charge

    Red ring min

    Ultima reaper 30hit

    Sues coat

    Zalure gun srank with special

    Glide divine

    some dts

    And may look to see what else I have. Pm if interested or if you have an offer you would like. Thanks y'all

    • Like 1
  6. I need help finding SJS pwease help :'( lol

    Joking man but you are a cool person for offering help like that. I'm bored most of the time when I log into pso but if you catch me on I got you with some runs as well. A community of helpful players to hunt ain't a bad thing in my book. I always help people with their hunts and end up putting mine aside then event ends XD. STory of my life. I got a hunter geared up minus dark weapons and ranger fully geared up as well minus dark weapons and force fully geared up. So I'm more than willing to help, greed is not a need but what ended up killing the steed ..

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