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Posts posted by Archriel

  1. I will convert this to my trade list eventually but for now I'm looking for Last Swan (with hit if you have it) I know it's a prize atm so most won't have hit on them which is also fine.

    I'll buy it or trade for it, I have some pretty good trade items, for now:

    Jizai +40 (20hit)    -    I'll need more than just last swan for this.
    Azura mag cel      -     I'd be willing to straight trade this.

    More but I'm logged out and going to bed so can't be btohered to write it all right now! =P

  2. Hi there! I'm started out in a similar position to you. The short answer to your question is NO, you won't miss out on much playing alone you can do all the quests solo even the ones that are usually only multiplayer. There are some special modes that you cant do alone like Challange mode and battle mode; challange mode is like a time trial/puzzle solving mode for prizes and battle mode is PvP.

    I know you said you play alone, but if you're an old time fan and speak fluent English I'm really looking for more friends! ^_^

    Have a great time here!

  3. I naturally expect FO's to s/d/j/z/r/r on time every time. It's more of a expectancy from my style of FOing than a bad habit really. A lot of the Fo's i've run into here dont have the S/D timer down, will only nuke, no debuffs, and make no attempt at crowd control. I guess I'm picky or I've been playing this game way too long. >_< I dont even like craptalk em about it, I just silently fume inside at their inability. Like when they dont do anything my fingers instantly go for S/D on my Huney, then they're like "I'LL S/D MINES BETTER OMG"...well we've been without shifta or deband for 5 mins...it's like what the hell.

    I try to do this role when there is no force (im Huney), so when a Force comes along I think : Great now I don't have to use items when paralysed and we all have better Shifta/Deband etc! And then... No...... They sit and nuke and laugh at my paralysed corpse.... (Well In my head I see them laughing anyway! xD)

    So mine would be expecting forces to do that! xD

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