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Everything posted by Sokaballa123

  1. Looking for either of these. I have a crap ton of mats (not too many power) as well as some weapons, armors, and pds. Name your price! Edit: Got a v502 and a 30% Hit Hell Raygun. If you can top the hell weapon, let me know and we can try and work something out!
  2. Would it be possible for me to borrow the Godric's Cloak and the Bringer's Rifle (0/0/0/0/30)? I'll add slots to the cloak as well.
  3. Hey there team. New to the forum, but I've been in the team for two weeks. Some nice people we have in it! Anywho, I'd like to have a few discs if you can manage it. I could use Rafoie 28, Shifta 29, Barta 29, and Gizonde 28, and Zalure 29. Also, if it's alright , I'd like to borrow a red ring (my shield is crap). I also have an H&S25 Justice 25/35/0/0/45 that I'd be more than happy to donate, as well as a Decalog and a devil/technique if you'd like it. Thanks!
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