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Posts posted by Karma

  1. Another valid approach. You don't even need to add stats for those levels - they could be purely for show.

    Another bonus would be that you could set the amount of experience you need for those extra levels VERY high. If they don't provide any stat bonuses, people wouldn't really have reason to complain.

  2. As Tofuman said, the system works very well and gives level 200s more of a reason to play.

    You can lower the exp rate for them if you want so that it's a bit more challenging, since they'll still keep their items and can still power through quite a bit.

    Just a few notes from it being implemented (keeping it rather vague so hopefully easymode SC2 race doesn't attack me):

    We did it so that techs stay the same level, and from playing on a FOmarl it seemed fine - just get some TP boosting units or be prepared to use some trifluids, since level 30 techs cost quite a bit. Hunting techs can be a pain, I'd really recommend just keeping them at their same levels.

    One thing we DIDN'T do was let players decide whether or not they wanted a mat reset - right now they're forced to get one (retaining all HP and TP materials used, since there's no point resetting those and they're relatively rare). Perhaps you could give the players a choice? It seems to work fine with the mat reset, but you might get fewer complaints if it's just another choice.

    TL;DR - Do it. :D

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  3. It's not that hard to start anew, albeit a bit frustrating and time consuming.

    Worst case scenario, start picking up all the armor you can find from whatever difficulty you play on (hopefully v-hard at this point) and sell it for meseta to feed your mag with.

    Within about a week you can have a level 200 mag, possibly in a few days if you're persistent enough!

    Do be careful with your items, though, I can't imagine any way he would have obtained the mag without you dropping it.

  4. ... my friend's character who was playing with me got saved just fine... so you're saying I just got screwed out of an entire evening of my life?

    No point in being so apprehensive. I highly doubt Larva or any of the other staff members were like "LOL LET'S SCREW THIS GUY OVER SPECIFICALLY."

    Imagine how annoyed you'd be if you were a staff member and something beyond your control happened and caused a few minor (yes, I said minor... your loss was 25 VERY easily obtained levels) setbacks. How annoyed would you be if players were all over you to reset their stuff that you likely have no record of?

    Just run your TTF like 3 times. You'll be back where you were in no time.

  5. Yeah, scht had challenge working. I don't think there were too many bugs (aside from that one time someone found an anti level 4 and when they dropped it I couldn't pick it up >_<).

    Combo unlocks and common bank would be cool, but only if they don't create the really stupid glitches that SCHTserv had. If adding a common bank starts making mags really unstable, then I'd argue it wouldn't be worth having a common bank at all.

    Thanks for the responses.

  6. Also, in general, defense is useless because you can use materials to get twice as much as the mag gives you.

    1 POW = 2 ATP

    1 MIND = 2 MST

    1 DEF = 1 DFP

    1 DEX = .5 ATA

    Dexterity is really important since you can only get ATA through leveling and units otherwise, hence why the mag adds so much less.

  7. I'm a bit new to this server from shit serv. XP

    I really need to get some higher level support spells, mostly shifta and deband, with jellen, zalure and anti still being fairly important.

    If anyone has a level 21+ S/D or J/Z and would be willing to trade it, I'd be willing to negotiate something.

    I have 3 PC's right now from yesterday, so if you want PCs for the disk, that would be favorable. (I can also always try to farm more)

    Thanks! <3

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