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Everything posted by diemildefreude

  1. Thanks! I'll gladly accept your gent. Was she on this server before? Or were you at Schthack? ****ing toasters. xD
  2. Thank you very much, Fyrewolf. It seems that Ra techniques are boosted here more than other techniques, which would bother me more if it weren't my favorite tech series. Still, it means that a FOmar wouldn't be able to boost his Gi techs very much with the current equipment (unless I have over-looked something). But I suppose FOmars will be meleeing more than anything else. Having a bunch of forces run around with Master Swords and Hylian Shields sounds hilarious. xD Especially since it is high-end and not joke gear and, for this reason, this scenario is all the more likely to happen. By the way, where can I get warning points, and can I buy things with them?
  3. Oh, cool. Maybe you can recommend me some gear, if I decide to make a FOmar. Or I'll just use your search engine... Perhaps they tweaked things since you were at Schthack. As a FOnewm with max MST (1500), Psycho Wand, Ra merge and Ignition Cloak, I hit Bartles for a little over 600 damage with Rafoie. 3Seals and Dark Bridge (which, like I said, are super rare), would probably take me over 700. Most enemies have more resistance than Bartles, though. I saw here that with Hylian and Psycho Bridge you can hit them for over 800, but I imagine Psycho Bridge is difficult to have, since it is a transformed PGF item. edit: According to some posts from last year, http://www.phantasystaronline.net/forum/index.php?/topic/8906-suggestions-for-a-fomar/?hl=%2Bfomar+%2Bequipment#entry66688 , FOmar still has a problem with ATA. Have the new items come out recently? edit2: Just saw that you edited. I will check it out now - thanks!
  4. Really? It seems like Ra techs would be stronger here with the Hylian Shield and the Psycho Bridge, but those are probably very difficult to acquire. On Schthack, techs that hit single targets are boosted a lot more. How are the human forces balanced? Were their stats also changed?
  5. Thanks, chuk. If I read correctly, Ultima's Three Seals has different stats than Schthack's. Is there a PSO Ultima wiki? Thanks, Khi/Rose. For now I am just doing some research, but should I make a character, I will keep an eye out for you. ^^
  6. Hello, You can call me Goldmund. I started playing PSO on the Gamecube, where I only played offline. With real-life friends, I played for a few months on Sega's BB servers before we switched to PSU - unfortunately, they lost interest in both fairly quickly. I made a Schthack account a few years ago, was inactive after a few months and started using it again last summer. Since then I have been sporadically addicted. I love music, literature, and painting. I am also very interested in other languages and cultures. As far as my play style goes, I only really like playing as forces. I laugh at the stigma that reduces us to a supportive role and that is propagated by time-attack nerds complaining about Damage Cancel and who whine when their LV 200 Dark Flow-wielding HUcast has to go 2 seconds without buffs. So if you agree with people like this: http://www.phantasystaronline.net/forum/index.php?/topic/3437-playing-a-good-fo/?hl=%2Bfonewm+%2Bequipment , you might want to avoid teaming up with me. I like trading, doing random quests and enjoying the atmosphere of the game. I hate TTFing and like leveling up slowly (which could be a problem on this server). My favorite episode is Ep. 2, whereby I do enjoy solo- or group-newking Ep. 4. I have yet to make a server account, but am increasingly interested in your server, as it seems very lively. I have a couple of questions for now. On Schthack, I have a LV 171 FOnewm. It took me a few months of hunting and trading items to save up enough PD to buy a Psycho Wand (since my ID was not purplenum, and, based on my experience helping some friends hunt, this was probably the faster route). My setup varies, depending on the area/quest and includes the following items: Weapons: Psycho Wand (30% boost to Ra techs on Schthack) Magical Piece (60% boost to Gi techs on Schthack. Used once in a while, when I find Gifoie useful) Excalibur 0/0/100/0|40 (great for the mines, so-so for Ep.2, as I could still use more ATA) Glide Divine Sigurd's Staff (Schthack item that boosts Grants by 150%, lets Megid pierce and has a neat, auto-aim, long range physical special attack) Doom Bringer 60 Hit (Another Schthack weapon. Double Bringer's Rifles: Demon mechs with rifle range) Plantain Huge Fan 50 Hit Armors: Mother Garb+ Smoking Plate Ignition Cloak (boosts Foie by 60%, Gifoie by 40%, Rafoie by 20% on Schthack) Congeal Cloak Tempest Cloak Barriers: Ra Merge (40% boost on Schthack) Gi Merge (used rarely, 60% boost on Schthack) Yin Yang Merge (used sometimes on Ep. 4, 75% boost to Grants on Schthack) De Rol Le Shield Units: Adept Adept V801 V101 Smartlink Cure/Freeze Cure/Slow Mags: Bhimae of different stats and colors. Robochao 5/0/0/195 After browsing your forums, I have learned about the FOnewm's MST-cap being raised to 1600, the Hylian Shield and Psycho Bridge which apparently allow for higher Ra-tech power than on Schthack. Aside from the 100 MST difference, the highest you can have to any ONE Ra-tech on Schthack is 145% with the FOnewm bonus, Dark Bridge (45% to Ra-techs on Schthack), Three Seals (50% to Ra-techs on Schthack) and one of the elemental cloaks. What are the highest boosts you can have to Ra-techs or other techs here? How attainable/unattainable is the best tech-boosting equipment? (On Schthack, Three Seals does not drop and is the rarest, most expensive item. Dark Bridge isn't super common either) Aside from FOnewm, and despite my apparent racism, I am interested in FOmar. I played as one on the GC (after getting frustrated with HUmar's terrible techs) and on Sega's server, but always had a hard time due to his terrible ATA, DFP and HP. They evened him out a bit on Schthack by introducing the Battlemage Cloak and Battlemage Bracer, which are equippable only by FOmar and FOmarl and boost their ATA and DFP substantially, making them more suited for meleeing. Are there any such solutions on this server? Thanks for taking the time to read this. Your answers will help me decide if I want to make a character here, and with which one I should start. Best Regards, Goldmund
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