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Posts posted by ALPIIINE

  1. I have been playing on this server since January. It has been great, and I have enjoyed many of the memories I had while playing 10 years ago on the Game Cube version. The rare times I do get to play now, with a home, wife, and child to care for, it is awesome, but I do not have the time like others to play all day and hunt for the rarest of items on the game. Which is why I have donated for the ones that seem unobtainable for me, including a PGF.

    Whether you play for pure enjoyment, for the friends you have made, I dont see it as a competition between others to see who can get the best of items, and not to see who can get the most event items or who can be the "Richest Player". Whether or not another player has the best items on the game, shouldn't affect how you enjoy it. Do what you love on PSO. Hunt the items, kill the enemies, and enjoy the social atmosphere. Otherwise you'll just get bored and be gone in a month or two, or end up making a sad thread saying that you've quit the game for whatever reason.

    With that being said, I would support either bringing back the PGF donation, and or a permanent drop.

    Everyone should have an opportunity to obtain a PGF, whether it be from a personal sacrifice of time, or money.

    • Like 4
  2. I have the DTS. I'm looking for 50/0/0/50/50 percents.

    PM me with any offers.

    I would also be interested in a calibur with those percents.

  3. Thanks for your input.

    If you're not making an offer or trade I'd appreciate it if you trolled somewhere else. I'm not forcing anyone to trade me their DF. That's what I would be willing to pay for it. I've been offered that price in the past.

    • Like 2
  4. Just make me offers on the daisy chain and demon vulcans. The PD price guide is a good guide to go off of.

    I will def take offers in DTs for the BKB. Since it's likely you won't do 60 DTs for it because my kind Pro Team team members have saved you from paying too much, give me a serious offer and we'll talk.

    Armando, PM me your very good offer. Gotta know what I'm holding it for.

  5. Weapons:

    Black King Bar - 40 hit

    Sange and Yasha - 45 hit

    Millie Marteaux's - 45 hit

    Demon Vulcans - 45 dark, 50 hit

    Frozen Shooter - 25 hit

    Daisy Chain - 35 hit

    Diska of Braveman - 35 hit

    Maser Beam - 35/0/0/0

    Charge Gatlings - 45 hit

    Charge Arms - 45 hit

    Rainbow Baton - 0/0/0/45/50

    Charge Diska - 45 hit

    Glide Divine


    Kroes Sweater

    Blue Odoshi Violet Naimadou (4 slots)


    Panzer Tail Mag: 20/140/20/20

    Def Mats (50)

    Gal Gryphons Wing

    Panzer Tail Mag cell (2)

    Dreamcast mag cell

    Genesis cell (2)

    Theres more, can't remember off of the top of my head.

    Ill take pds and consider trade offers as well.

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