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Posts posted by Dragon7mage6

  1. Ah. It must be some error with the synchronization of the server's drops. I don't know what weapon that item is supposed to be (Since you don't remember the monster) but I'm pretty sure it's some low-ranking special weapon.

    So just drop them and forget about them. LOL

  2. What monster, area, and difficulty did you find this weapon from? And what is your Section ID?

    I am a Greennil, and they fell in the forest (Very Hard). I do not remember what monsters that they came from.

    Edit` Spelling

  3. I have found 3 <(Sword) ????> weapons

    Here is a Screen shot of the 3 that I found.

    I am a HUcast and cannot use them.


    And here is a Screen shot when a Tekker looks at it.


    I cannot sell these weapons Should I hold onto them or just drop them?


    Full Meta (42004343)

  4. I am do not know how to set up and use the action buttons 1 threw 0, on the keyboard. Can someone please explain how it is done, or a link to a page that tells me how to do it.


    *Help I am locked in a dark room with no windows, and all I can hear is this strange laughing....

    *Crazy, I was crazy once. They killed me. They buried me. It was dark. The worms ate me. It drove me Crazy! Crazy, I was crazy once.

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