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Posts posted by NOFEAR

  1. quiero la last swan xD

    Ok Die te la guardo. Por cierto he tenido que rehacer tu sato...

    Fear porfa guardame la Burning Arms 50 50 0 0 50 = 4 PD

    Ok Sergio, reservada.

    60 power mats - 8pds

    18 mind mats - 2pds

    Burning Arms - 5pds

    vivienne 0 100 30 0 - 5pds

    lavis cannon 0 35 0 0 30 - 6pds

    anti 7 - 2pds

    Total pds = 28pds 23 pds

    I re-writed the bold part because I reserved that Burning Arms to Icaro. You can take the rest.

  2. oye tienes una Arrest Arms pero con bestias y dark y hit en 50?

    No sorry Icaro. De vez en cuando hago Restless Lion osea que ya saldra :P

    Oye aun quieres esos HP mats?

  3. En el server original habia death penalty, con el cual te quitaban exp cada vez que morias. No hay manera de quitarte niveles, bueno rollback pero perderias no solo los niveles sino todo lo conseguido. Como dice Vazerty, hazte otro personaje, uno para jugar solo con tus amigos y otro para jugar sin ellos.

  4. The problem was the easy drop rate for this weapon. So the effort you didnt made in the past to hunt it, now requires it for unlock combo. The uber kills unsealing option would be a 'fair' way to equilibrate the balance. My opinion is just to stay how is it right now with no combo. But well yeah whatever the majority says.

    @Vox I didnt wanted to sound rude. Your comment gives me that feel, so I commented.

  5. My opinion is

    -Guld milla or Rage de feu only equip for Hunter

    -LK38 unlock with low range (same range then vulcan) and only for ranger

    -Possibility for LK38 with %hit, transfert % on other mechgun

    -3seals must be a hard drop

    -boost merge and magic weapon for FO

    Wow that seems like you found the Aladdin's Lamp...

    Very SUBJECTIVE and a little selfish if you ask me.

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