Yellow Ring
Item Data Description: Yellow ring. It looks like there are a total of 7 colors. Level: 81 DFP: 35 (+5) EVP: 130 (+5) EFR: 5 ETH: 5 EIC: 5 EDK: 5 ELT: 5 Model ID: 367 Texture ID: 391 Stars: 9★ Notes: Dummied item with v1/v2 yellow ring description. Yellow Ring Effect is: When standing near others who are also wearing this ring, gain +25 LCK and the rising stars visual effect. LCK does not break char stat limts.
Usable by HUmar HUnewearl HUcast HUcaseal RAmar RAmarl RAcast RAcaseal FOmar FOmarl FOnewm FOnewearl