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UltimaPSO on GC


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Is there any way to play with a GC user on this server? I know another server that allowed GC users to connect to their server via a patch file. My Wife prefers gamecube controls over PC controller. I'm getting PSO GC from a friend in the mail and would like to be able to play with her from My pc and My wii/the GC copy of the game.(My friend has an actual GC if needed.)

Name: ChidoriNi

Race/Class: HUCast

Char Lv: LV25 and counting(Taking a break to play FFXI a bit on Fairy Server as Haseokun.)

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Is there any way to play with a GC user on this server?

Not at the moment, like Vypor said. :(

I know another server that allowed GC users to connect to their server via a patch file. My Wife prefers gamecube controls over PC controller.

I'm pretty sure that there is a way you can connect the 360/GameCube controllers to your computer so you can play Phantasy Star Online: Blue Burst with a controller instead of a keyboard.

I'm not so sure as how to do so myself, though. Perhaps I should look up how to do that. XD

I'm getting PSO GC from a friend in the mail and would like to be able to play with her from My pc and My wii/the GC copy of the game.(My friend has an actual GC if needed.)

If you really want to play on the GameCube version of the game, then you're gonna have to ask your friend for the actual GameCube console as well.

The Nintendo Wii cannot go online with Phantasy Star Online: Episode I, II, or III.

Edited by Dezoris
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I prefer to use a Gamecube Controller as well, and i AM using a Gamecube controller for Ultima servers on my PC using a Gamemon USB Convertor that i bought from walmart for $10, they dont sell it anymore i dont think but u can still go to that site and buy one.

Now for configuring it, i use a personal scripting program called Auto Hotkey that i made functions on my GC controller emulate keystrokes of the Keyboard making my controller act like a mini keyboard. If u decide to do that here is my script that i use for my GC controller. making sure that i leave a space above and below the code. Also note that i switched the "End" and "Up" keys so the buttons on my pad would emulate up down left and right on the Right side of my GC pad.

XLowKey = a
XHighKey = d
YLowKey = w
YHighKey = s
Axis = XY; these are the axises we're using
RepeatRate = 500 ~ 50; slowest and fastest delays between repeats (in ms)
JoyNum =; put a number if you have more than 1 joystick
; WARNING: no newbies below this line
SendMode, Input; es muy rapido
StringSplit, r, RepeatRate, ~, %A_Space%
SetTimer, WatchAxis, 10
Loop, Parse, Axis; Sets the variable A_LoopField to the current axis
If (!q%A_LoopField%) = q%A_LoopField% := (7 < d%A_LoopField% := ""
. Abs(j%A_LoopField% := GetKeyState(joynum "Joy" A_LoopField, "P") - 50))
  IfEqual, q%A_LoopField%, 1, Send, % "{Blind}{"
  . (%A_LoopField%Key := j%A_LoopField%<0 ? ""
  . %A_LoopField%LowKey : %A_LoopField%HighKey) " DownTemp}"
  Else Send % "{Blind}{" %A_LoopField%Key " Up}"
  Delay%A_LoopField% := A_TickCount
Else IfEqual, q%A_LoopField%, 1, IfGreater, A_TickCount, % ""
. Delay%A_LoopField% + r1 - ((d%A_LoopField%-8)/42)*(r1-r2)
;   Send % "{Blind}{" %A_LoopField%Key " Up}"; uncomment to activate full key repeat
  Send % "{Blind}{" %A_LoopField%Key " DownTemp}"
  Delay%A_LoopField% := A_TickCount

Send {Down down}
KeyWait Joy1
Send {Down up}

Send {Left down}
KeyWait Joy2
Send {Left up}

Send {Right down}
KeyWait Joy3
Send {Right up}

Send {Up down}
KeyWait Joy4
Send {Up up}

Send {End down}
KeyWait Joy5
Send {End up}

Send {Ctrl down}
KeyWait Joy6
Send {Ctrl up}

Send {Enter down}
KeyWait Joy7
Send {Enter up}

Send {Home down}
KeyWait Joy8
Send {Home up}

Edited by Azeras
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  • 2 weeks later...

I use the Xbox360 controller because you need no adapter for it. I did find that my computer (which is XP) wouldn't automatically setup the 360 controller anymore (because MS is trying to get people to go to the crappy Vista) so I looked on youtube and they have a few videos showing you how to set it up. One guy gives you a link where you can download the software needed if you are running XP. Just hit that link to download the software if you're running XP. Vista should still setup the controller automatically.


To configure a 360 controller (or 3rd party 360 controllers)

You click your Left analog stick to bring up your menu then go to

"Options" then "Pad Button Config" go towards the middle of the list you'll see a button for "middle"

highlight it and press A then A. for the "top" button hit A then Y. For the "right" button hit A then B. for the "left" button hit A then X. for "menu open/close" hit A then the start button. for the "camera" hit A then Left bumper. for the "palette" hit A then the Right bumper. Now your 360 controller is configured to work like on the Xbox version.

note: your menu can still open by clicking the left analog stick. So in the heat of battle you may click it on accident so don't panic.

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