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Posts posted by andyzandy2005

  1. Hi, I am VeXaNdEsI!

    If you got any junk plese donate to me. thats pretty much it... Heh

    Well, my Guildcard number is 42088291 so if you see me around or see a room called Donate, then you will know thats my room, remember that any junk is never wastefull so help as much as you can!

  2. Hi, I just wanna buy the 2 mags in Mind or ATP for 1 of them and the other same or anything will do.


    1: Lvl 100+

    2: 1 mag made for Mind and ATP

    3: No rares already

    4: 1 mag any kind


    If wanteing to trade, just tell me you want to trade for or give me to DONATE in my other Topic.



  3. Hi, I am VeXaNdEsI!

    If you got any junk plese donate to me. thats pretty much it... Heh

    Well, my Guildcard number is 42088291 so if you see me around or see a room called Donate, then you will know thats my room. remember that anyjunk is never wastefull so help as much as you can! :onion-head49: :onion-head49:

  4. OMG, i lost 9 rare weapons from a trade. nuckles and i were in a middle of a trade and Ayane came right in, took the weapons off the floor and BOOM, she loged out with no response. WHATS YOUR DEAL!!! nuckles saw everything so i got backup. please help GM(s) PLEASE :onion-head43: :onion-head43:


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