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Posts posted by HopeRidesAlone

  1. 11 minutes ago, mudkipzjm said:

    It's not too hard to get a budget force build going. Psycho Wand is 20 PDs at most at the moment, and Hylian Shield is around 15 DTs. There's several different choices for Frame that force can use but most go with Mother Garb + for the TP reduction. Can also go for Wedding Dress at level 191 whenever you get there. Melee force is a lot more expensive to gear, though, so that'll probably be a bit later down the line.

    What if i made the mistake of creating a FOnewm?

  2. 2 minutes ago, mudkipzjm said:

    Techs are actually pretty effective in Ep 4. But the main reason they aren't suggested in Ep 1 in 2 is that techs aren't as effective. There's this glitch(?) called Damage Cancel(DMC for short), which is present in most versions of PSO, where if you and someone else damage something at the same time, one of the damages will be cancelled, usually the lower one. Techs are especially bad at this since a lot them are AOE and therefore can damage cancel a lot. It's fine to use techs if you're in a solo party, but just keep in mine usually spamming techs in a party just ends up making things harder and longer than they need to be. Also, tech damage just kind of sucks in Ultimate for most of Ep 2.

    Thanks for the heads up! my buddies and I just got back into the game and while they're figuring out which classes and builds they're going towards I'm very happy with my force. I just want to try and get the best gear i can.

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