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Posts posted by JNied

  1. 8 hours ago, Deborah Nicole said:

    I think i have some Grants disc's

    let me check my Fo and check

    i have a grants lvl 21 and a megid 19

    let me know if you want them :onion-head03:

    I really appreciate it, but I posted this months ago, and am not currently playing. Thank you just the same.

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  2. Is it possible that since I haven't found the lower levels in N/H/VH that I can't find the higher levels? I honestly don't know how it works..

    2 hours ago, mudkipzjm said:

    Grants is just hard to find, I think. You should eventually be able to find it.

    I mean, that makes sense, but I've never made it to Ultimate w/o finding it already.. HOW hard is it to find?

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  3. Short Version

    I've been playing for quite some time and am on Ultimate but cannot find any Grants disks.


    Long Version

    My character is a Pinkal FOmar. I'm currently at level 102 with 46 hours of play time and I have been playing on Ultimate recently. I have found every type of disk except Grants: every Simple, Normal, Hard, Heal and Support technique I already have. Except for Grants. I've heard that the Mines are good for finding it, so I did that for some time. I've heard that Ruins on Hard are good for it, so I did that for a while. I've heard that "later levels" such as Ruins and Seabed are good, so I tried both of those on different difficulties. I simply cannot find it. It's the only thing I'm missing, and it's making it difficult to continue because the Hilde*s in Ultimate are resistant to all but Light damage. I imagine even if I power through them, I will have similar problems with other creatures later.

    Am I missing something? Is my character/Section ID incapable of finding them? Is there a specific game mode I have to play on? Am I just unlucky?


    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

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