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Posts posted by GaiaMike

  1. Woohoo, welcome back to PSO!

    Good to have another person come aboard B)

    If you need a hand leveling or something, just give me a holler and I might come and help you out.

  2. mst has no effect on the buffs, only the level of the tech matters for that. You can keep your pow mag on and buff just fine.

    Also it really shouldn't take that long to switch mags either, just do f2 > up > enter > up/down > enter; (i.e. open equip menu > move to mag > select mag slot > select other mag > equip mag).

    It would be nice if resists weren't so borked of damage cancel didn't exist though, one can indeed dream.

    Oh good, I was always told mst affects buffs. It's good to know since that will save me some room-to-room time. Thanks!

    Still... That few seconds it takes too swap a mag is all many people need to clear a room, which is a pain.

  3. Exactly what currey26 said (and turn it on so the lights are lit up if it's wireless)

    If it's the controller button layout getting messed up and you had custom controls that are suddenly gone, then just go into options under pad settings, select "custom" then back out of the menu. It should remember your old settings. (happens to me all the time when swapping characters)

  4. Speaking mainly for the newman FOs, having 250 mats for newmans would be really nice. It's tedious swapping between mags just to buff, then again to melee. They already kinda get shafted to exclusively support+melee in Ulti without adding extra mag-swappy goodness to the tedium. (you can still mwahaha boomboomboom if you really want to... just make sure your team is OK with it beforehand and won't want to hang you from the ceiling by your nostrils after two rooms)

    Offensive techs are already weaker/more unwanted than HU/RA offense in late game thanks to resistances and damage cancel (grrrrrrrh damage cancel!), so it's kind of adding insult to the injury of avoiding offensive techs by having to also abandon MST and swap to a DEX/POW mag just so you can melee... but still have to carry around a MIND mag just so you can buff and debuff, going back and forth between them every few rooms.

    It would make my day if I could buff, debuff, then go right to melee with one mag instead of buff, debuff, open the inventory while my allies kill the whole room before I get the other mag out..... that, or somehow magically fix damage cancel on techs (I CAN DREAM CANT I?)

    Sega must have hated Forces to be so mean to them :b

    Speaking of balance, it would be nice if we could have better balance for the classes and also the techs. At high levels of play, hunters and rangers are much stronger than forces. And thanks to items like Hylian Shield, Psycho Wand and Psycho Bridge, simple and gi techs are rarely used and very weak in comparison to ra techs.

    A unit with a faster casting speed boost (V802) would be nice, in addition to stronger simple and gi techs by buffing current items or creating new items. It's kinda silly when a FOnewearl uses Rafoie to attack a single enemy weak to fire. The game is more interesting when all techs are worth using.

    I agree with a lot of this. I don't really think casting speed is the problem, though (faster/more frequently casted spells might make damage cancel worse! x_x)

    It's mostly the poor-in-comparison late game damage layered on top of nullifying ally damage.

  5. Good evening everyone!

    I'm a hardcore DC/GC/Schthack vet returning once again....again...again... to one of my favorite games of all time.

    I love all the classes and characters, but if I had to choose one of each,

    it'd be FOnewm, RAcast, and HUcast -- because you gotta be funky and/or clunky

    I'm glad to see how charming this little community seems to be, so props to you!

    I have a little posse of four right now (some vet, some new) and I'm enjoying reliving the good ol' times already~ Yay


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