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Posts posted by golgo13

  1. I didn't say I wasn't happy for him.  Im happy for a lot of people.  I'm just kinda jealous cause every single event that I play, I try to hunt for something only to not get anything.:onion60:  I was only lucky to get like the Ultima reaper and a few other things due to friends having extras.  It seems like everyone is always on a mad dash to hit level 200 when I was on so I gave up on hunting items I desired so much.  


    Don't get me wrong, I love the game and will always do but some of people (won't name names) don't even lift a finger to help and not to just me.   I'm thankful for the good friends who help me when they can (you know who you are.)  I don't get to play very often and Hh is usually when I'm working so is it wrong for me to gripe and complain..?  I've been playing the game since version 1 was released for japan on the dreamcast so I'm not a complete newbie to the game, I just get treated like it.:onion-head02:

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  2. Name: Andy, Golgo, Xellos, Xelly, Kuno
    Age: 30
    Preferred contact method: Email, Steam, Im, or skype
    Hobbies: Video games, music, and cooking.
    Picture: 12080003_10153145319443240_8343149674692
    Me with my little girl. She is almost 3 1/2 months old.
    A little more about your self: I'm a pest control technician by trade. Been doing it for almost 4 years.
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