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Posts posted by Severs

  1. So I tried doing a search for a Chrono Trigger OGG pack for this game last night, but the only result I actually came up with was a listed link on the Eden server's forums, of which you have to sign up to see, and have to have a game account to sign up. I'm hoping someone here knows of a OGG pack for PSO that is all Chrono Trigger music. Thanks in advance for any help.

  2. Yeah, I have steam configured for the shift-tab combo, it works in most of my other games, but does nothing in PSOBB. I don't even see the framerate counter that i have steam put into my other games.

  3. Posting this here because it looks like the best place, if it needs to go elsewhere please move it.

    So a long time ago I had added PSOBB to steam and the overlay worked just fine, however now as soon as the launcher closes, steam no longer thinks that I am in game. Is there a fix for this or does anyone know a work around for it? It's no big deal, but would be convienent if I could have this game work with the steam overlay. I have tried searching for it, and all it says online is to add online.exe to steam via the "add a non-steam game" fucntion, which no longer works properly.

  4. They have been dying slowly for the last few years, the registration on there worked only sometimes, and people kept leaving, no one new could join, honestly don't know what they were expecting to happen when they made no attempt to get new users. I had alot of time spent on that server, but sadly it came to an end tonight with very bad news that the accounts were lost.

    On that note, onward and forward to positive experiences within this server and its community.

  5. Greetings all, I'm here to say hi and introduce myself to everyone. Just downloaded this tonight, I've played PSO in one form or another off and on for the last 10 or 12 years, and before now was on another private server for Blue Burst. Won't mention which one, but will say that the only thing that kept me there was as much time as I had into my account there as the playerbase was dwindling for a few reasons, and something happened recently that was the straw that broke the camels back as it were. I've left and come searching for a new server to play on, figured I would give this one a try, and see how it went. I am hoping to meet some good people and have some fun as soon as everything downloads and patches.

    As for me and who I am, well I am a nerd through and through, I play many games, shooters, strategy, hack and slash, RPG, and more. PSO seems to be the only online RPG that seems to suck be back in no matter how much I play it. I've tried quite a few MMORPGs and somewhere along the line I always seem to lose interest and never go back, PSO just keeps tugging at me every time I take a break from it.

    For now, adios and hope to see everyone in game.

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